IC 31-19-23
Chapter 23. Release of Nonidentifying Information
IC 31-19-23-1
Entities required to release nonidentifying information
Sec. 1. The following persons shall release nonidentifying
information concerning an adoption in the entity's possession to any
person described in IC 31-19-18-2(a) upon request:
(1) The state registrar.
(2) The department.
(3) A county office of family and children.
(4) A licensed child placing agency.
(5) A professional health care provider (as defined in
IC 34-6-2-117).
(6) The attorney who arranged the adoption.
(7) A court.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.11. Amended by P.L.1-1998, SEC.162;
P.L.145-2006, SEC.258.
IC 31-19-23-2
Access to nonidentifying adoption information regarding child in
need of services
Sec. 2. (a) This section applies to an adopted child if:
(1) the county office of family and children; or
(2) the prosecuting attorney;
has filed a petition alleging that the child is a child in need of
services under or IC 31-34-1.
(b) The:
(1) county office of family and children;
(2) child's guardian ad litem or court appointed special
advocate; and
(3) juvenile court;
may have access to nonidentifying adoption information regarding
the child.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.11.