IC 3-6-7
     Chapter 7. Challengers and Pollbook Holders

IC 3-6-7-1
Appointment; presence at polls; identification card
Sec. 1. (a) Each political party or independent candidate may appoint challengers and pollbook holders for each precinct in which the political party or independent candidate is on the ballot.
    (b) This subsection applies to a public question that is submitted to the electorate. A county election board may appoint challengers and pollbook holders if a petition requesting the appointment is filed with the board. The petition must be signed by:
        (1) the chairman of a political action committee organized under IC 3-9 to support or oppose the approval of the public question; and
        (2) at least the number of voters equal to two percent (2%) of the votes cast in the last election for secretary of state in the county.
    (c) A challenger must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
    (d) The county election board, county chairman, other local chairman of the party, or independent candidate:
        (1) must make the appointments in writing; and
        (2) shall issue one (1) identification card for each person appointed under this section.
    (e) Each political party or independent candidate described in subsection (a) or a political action committee described in subsection (b) may have only one (1) challenger and one (1) pollbook holder present at each precinct's polls at any time during election day. The challenger and pollbook holder present at the polls must possess an identification card issued under subsection (d).
    (f) The identification card issued under subsection (d) must clearly state the following:
        (1) The status of the individual as an appointed challenger or pollbook holder.
        (2) The name of the individual serving as a challenger or pollbook holder.
        (3) The name of the person who appointed the individual as a challenger or pollbook holder, and whether the person is a political party, an independent candidate, or a county election board.
        (4) If the challenger or pollbook holder has been appointed by a political party, the name of the political party.
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.5-1989, SEC.10; P.L.7-1990, SEC.3; P.L.3-1993, SEC.23; P.L.3-1995, SEC.19; P.L.230-2005, SEC.18.

IC 3-6-7-1.5
Eligibility of candidates
Sec. 1.5. A candidate to be voted for at an election, except as an unopposed candidate for precinct committeeman or state convention

delegate, is not eligible to be appointed as a challenger or pollbook holder at an election.
As added by P.L.4-1991, SEC.18.

IC 3-6-7-1.7
Eligibility of challengers
Sec. 1.7. A challenger must be a registered voter of the county.
As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.46.

IC 3-6-7-2
(Repealed by P.L.230-2005, SEC.91.)

IC 3-6-7-3
Nonresident challenger or pollbook holder; right to vote by absentee ballot
Sec. 3. A challenger or pollbook holder who is not a resident of the precinct is entitled to vote by absentee ballot.
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2.

IC 3-6-7-4
Sec. 4. A challenger or pollbook holder is not entitled to compensation for services except from the political party making the appointment.
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2.

IC 3-6-7-5
Right to enter and leave polls
Sec. 5. (a) A pollbook holder or a challenger appointed under this chapter is entitled to do the following:
        (1) Enter the polls at least thirty (30) minutes before the opening of the polls and remain there throughout election day until the polls close.
        (2) Enter, leave, and reenter the polls at any time on election day.
    (b) A pollbook holder or a challenger is subject to the orders of the board while in the polls.
    (c) If demanded by a member of the precinct election board, a pollbook holder or a challenger shall produce the identification card issued under section 1(d) of this chapter.
As added by P.L.38-1999, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.230-2005, SEC.19.