IC 29-2-18
Chapter 18. Platting of Certain Property
IC 29-2-18-1
Platting; town lots
Sec. 1. Whenever any lands are ordered by any court to be sold,
on the application of any guardian, executor or administrator, the
court ordering such sale may, in their discretion, authorize such
guardian, executor or administrator, previous to such sale, to lay out
such lands, or a portion thereof, in town lots, and to make the
necessary dedication to public use of streets, alleys and squares
therein; but before any sale of such lots shall take place, and before
a plat of such lots, streets, alleys and squares shall be recorded in the
recorder's office.the same, with a plat thereof, shall be reported to
such court for approval or rejection. If confirmed by the court, such
plat shall be recorded as other plats of like nature are recorded, and
shall have the same validity in law as if made by a legal proprietor of
such lands who is eighteen (18) years of age or over.
(Formerly: Acts 1853, c.49, s.1; Acts 1973, P.L.287, SEC.15.)
IC 29-2-18-2
Land not for sale
Sec. 2. Whenever it shall be manifestly to the interest of a
protected person, the court may, under the restrictions provided in
section 1 of this chapter, authorize the guardian of the protected
person to lay out any portion of the estate in the manner and with the
legal effect provided in section 1, as though the land was not
designed for sale.
(Formerly: Acts 1853, c.49, s.2.) As amended by Acts 1982, P.L.171,
SEC.85; P.L.33-1989, SEC.55.