IC 22-9-6
Chapter 6. Equal Access to Housing for Persons With Disabilities
IC 22-9-6-1
"Person with a disability" defined
Sec. 1. (a) As used in this chapter, and unless otherwise indicated
by the context, "person with a disability" means an individual who,
by reason of physical or mental defect or infirmity, whether
congenital or acquired by accident, injury, or disease, is or may
subsequently be totally or partially prevented from achieving the
fullest attainable physical, social, economic, mental, and vocational
participation in the normal process of living.
(b) "Persons with disabilities" includes persons who are blind,
persons who have a visual disability, and other persons with a
physical disability.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.132. Amended by P.L.23-1993,
SEC.135; P.L.99-2007, SEC.188.
IC 22-9-6-2
"Housing accommodations" defined
Sec. 2. (a) As used in this chapter, "housing accommodations"
(1) real property, or part of real property, that is used or
occupied, or is intended, arranged, or designed to be used or
occupied, as the home residence or sleeping place of at least
one (1) person; or
(2) single family residence, the occupants of which rent, lease,
or furnish for compensation not more than one (1) room of the
(b) The term does not include hotels, lodging places, or other
places of public accommodations, amusement, or resort of a transient
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.132.
IC 22-9-6-3
Full and equal access to housing
Sec. 3. All persons with disabilities are entitled to full and equal
access, as other members of the public, to all housing
accommodations offered for rent, lease, or compensation in Indiana.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.132. Amended by P.L.23-1993,
IC 22-9-6-4
Modification of property not required
Sec. 4. This chapter does not require a person renting, leasing, or
providing for compensation real property to modify the person's
property in any way to provide a higher degree of care for a person
with a disability than for a person without a disability.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.132. Amended by P.L.23-1993,
SEC.137; P.L.99-2007, SEC.189.
IC 22-9-6-5
Guide dogs not grounds for refusing to rent
Sec. 5. A person renting, leasing, or providing real property for
compensation shall not refuse to accept a person with a disability as
a tenant due to the fact that the person with a disability has a guide
dog that assists the person with a disability in overcoming a
particular disability.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.132. Amended by P.L.23-1993,
IC 22-9-6-6
Civil rights complaint
Sec. 6. A person who feels the person's rights under this chapter
have been violated may submit a complaint to the civil rights
commission under IC 22-9-1-6. The civil rights commission shall
determine whether the complaint requires action to be taken under
IC 22-9-1-6.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.132.