IC 22-5
IC 22-5-1
Chapter 1. Limitations on Importing Alien Laborers
IC 22-5-1-1
Prepayment of transportation; assisting or encouraging migration
under contract
Sec. 1. It is a Class A misdemeanor for a person to knowingly
prepay transportation or assist or encourage the migration of any
alien into Indiana under contract made before the migration of the
alien to perform labor or service in Indiana.
(Formerly: Acts 1885(ss), c.51, s.1.) As amended by Acts 1978,
P.L.2, SEC.2226.
IC 22-5-1-2
Contracts; void
Sec. 2. All contracts or agreements, express or implied, parol or
special, which may hereafter be made by and between any person,
company, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, and
any foreigner or foreigners, alien or aliens, to perform labor or
service, or having reference to the performance of labor or service,
by any person in the state of Indiana previous to the migration or
importation of the person or persons whose labor or service is
contracted for, into the United States, shall be utterly void and of no
(Formerly: Acts 1885(ss), c.51, s.2.) As amended by P.L.8-1993,
IC 22-5-1-3
(Repealed by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.2251.)
IC 22-5-1-4
Sec. 4. Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to prevent
any citizen or subject of any foreign country temporarily residing in
the United States either in a private or official capacity from
engaging, under contract or otherwise, persons not residents or
citizens of the United States to act as private secretaries, servants, or
domestics for such foreigner temporarily residing in the United
States, nor shall this chapter be so construed as to prevent any person
or persons, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation
from engaging, under contract or agreement, skilled workmen in
foreign countries to perform labor in the state of Indiana in or upon
any new industry not at present established in the state, provided that
skilled labor for that purpose cannot otherwise be obtained; nor shall
the provisions of this chapter apply to professional actors, artists,
lecturers, or singers, nor to persons employed strictly as personal or
domestic servants; however, nothing in this chapter shall be
construed as prohibiting any individual from assisting any member
of his family or relative or personal friend to migrate from any
foreign country to the state for the purpose of settlement here.
(Formerly: Acts 1885(ss), c.51, s.4.) As amended by P.L.144-1986,
SEC.156; P.L.8-1993, SEC.288.