IC 22-2-14
Chapter 14. Employee Breaks
IC 22-2-14-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "employer" means a person or
entity that employs twenty-five (25) or more employees.
As added by P.L.13-2008, SEC.4.
IC 22-2-14-2
Employer provide private location where employees can express
milk; employer provide cold storage for expressed milk; employer
not liable
Sec. 2. (a) To the extent reasonably possible, an employer shall
provide a private location, other than a toilet stall, where an
employee can express the employee's breast milk in privacy during
any period away from the employee's assigned duties.
(b) To the extent reasonably possible, an employer shall:
(1) provide a refrigerator or other cold storage space for
keeping milk that has been expressed; or
(2) allow the employee to provide the employee's own portable
cold storage device for keeping milk that has been expressed
until the end of the employee's work day.
(c) Except in cases of willful misconduct, gross negligence, or bad
faith, an employer is not liable for any harm caused by or arising
from either of the following that occur on the employer's premises:
(1) The expressing of an employee's breast milk.
(2) The storage of expressed milk.
As added by P.L.13-2008, SEC.4.