IC 21-41-3
     Chapter 3. Ball State University; College of Architecture

IC 21-41-3-1
Applicability of chapter
Sec. 1. This chapter applies only to Ball State University.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.282.

IC 21-41-3-2
Power to grant degrees
Sec. 2. The board of trustees of Ball State University may grant degrees and issue diplomas or certificates.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.282.

IC 21-41-3-3
Construction and operation authorized
Sec. 3. The board of trustees may:
        (1) erect;
        (2) construct;
        (3) equip;
        (4) furnish;
        (5) operate; and
        (6) control;
as a division of Ball State University, a college of architecture and planning to be known as the Ball State college of architecture and planning.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.282.

IC 21-41-3-4
Acquisition of real property authorized; use
Sec. 4. The board of trustees may acquire by:
        (1) purchase;
        (2) lease;
        (3) condemnation;
        (4) gift; or
        (5) other means;
property, real and personal, that, in the judgment of the board of trustees, is necessary to establish the Ball State University college of architecture and planning. The board of trustees may use any property that Ball State University acquired before July 1, 1965, for the Ball State University college of architecture and planning. Title to all property acquired by the university for the Ball State University college of architecture and planning, including improvements to property, shall be taken and held by and in the name of the board of trustees in its corporate capacity for the purposes of this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.282.

IC 21-41-3-5
Contracts for construction or alteration
Sec. 5. The construction, alteration, or repair of any facility for

the Ball State University college of architecture and planning shall be contracted for in accordance with IC 21-37-3.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.282.