IC 20-43-7
Chapter 7. Special Education Grants
IC 20-43-7-1
Count of special education students for grant
Sec. 1. In addition to the amount a school corporation is entitled
to receive in basic tuition support, each school corporation is entitled
to receive a grant for special education programs. The amount of the
special education grant is based on the count of eligible pupils
enrolled in special education programs on December 1 of the
preceding year in:
(1) the school corporation; or
(2) a transferee corporation.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.
IC 20-43-7-2
Severe disability categories
Sec. 2. (a) In a school corporation's nonduplicated count of pupils
in programs for severe disabilities, the school corporation shall count
each pupil served in any one (1) of the following programs:
(1) Autism.
(2) Dual sensory impairment.
(3) Emotional handicap, full time.
(4) Hearing impairment.
(5) Severe mental handicap.
(6) Multiple handicap.
(7) Orthopedic impairment.
(8) Traumatic brain injury.
(9) Visual impairment.
(b) A pupil may be counted in only one (1) of the programs in this
section even if the pupil is served in more than one (1) program.
(c) A pupil may not be included in the nonduplicated count in this
section and in the nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for mild
or moderate disabilities in section 3 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.
IC 20-43-7-3
Mild and moderate disability program categories
Sec. 3. (a) In a school corporation's nonduplicated count of pupils
in programs for mild and moderate disabilities, the school
corporation shall count each pupil served in any one (1) of the
following programs:
(1) Emotional handicap, all other.
(2) Learning disability.
(3) Mild mental handicap.
(4) Moderate mental handicap.
(5) Other health impairment.
(b) A pupil may be counted in only one (1) of the programs in this
section even if the pupil is served in more than one (1) program.
(c) A pupil may not be included in the nonduplicated count in this
section and in the nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for
severe disabilities in section 2 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.
IC 20-43-7-4
Communication disorder program categories
Sec. 4. In a school corporation's duplicated count of pupils in
programs for communication disorders, the school corporation shall
count each pupil served, even if the pupil is served in another special
education program.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.
IC 20-43-7-5
Homebound program category
Sec. 5. (a) In a school corporation's cumulative count of pupils in
homebound programs, a school corporation shall count each pupil
who received homebound instruction up to and including December
1 of the current year plus each pupil who received homebound
instruction after December 1 of the prior school year.
(b) A school corporation may include a pupil in the school
corporation's cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs
even if the pupil also is included in the school corporation's:
(1) nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for severe
(2) nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for mild and
moderate disabilities; or
(3) duplicated count of pupils in programs for communication
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.
IC 20-43-7-6
Calculation; grant amount
Sec. 6. A school corporation's special education grant for a
calendar year is equal to the sum of the following:
(1) The nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for severe
disabilities multiplied by eight thousand three hundred fifty
dollars ($8,350).
(2) The nonduplicated count of pupils in programs of mild and
moderate disabilities multiplied by two thousand two hundred
sixty-five dollars ($2,265).
(3) The duplicated count of pupils in programs for
communication disorders multiplied by five hundred
thirty-three dollars ($533).
(4) The cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs
multiplied by five hundred thirty-three dollars ($533).
(5) The nonduplicated count of pupils in special preschool
education programs multiplied by two thousand seven hundred
fifty dollars ($2,750).
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
SEC.252; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.340.
IC 20-43-7-7
Modification of full-time equivalency requirement
Sec. 7. Participation in a program is not required to the extent of
full-time equivalency. The state board shall adopt rules that define
(1) nature and extent of participation; and
(2) type of program qualifying for approval.
A count may not be made on any program that has not been approved
by the state board or to the extent that a pupil is not participating to
the extent required by any rule of the state board.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.
IC 20-43-7-8
Classification of new programs
Sec. 8. If a new special education program is created by rule of
the state board or by the United States Department of Education, the
state board shall determine whether the program shall be included in
the list of programs for:
(1) severe disabilities; or
(2) mild and moderate disabilities.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.166.