IC 20-31-4
Chapter 4. Performance Based Accreditation
IC 20-31-4-1
"Legal standards"
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "legal standards" means Indiana
statutes and rules adopted by the state board that apply to each school
for accreditation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-2
Establishment of system; schedule for accreditation
Sec. 2. (a) A school in Indiana may be accredited:
(1) under the performance based accreditation system
established by this chapter; or
(2) by implementing a quality focused approach to school
improvement such as the criteria for the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award for Education or for a national or
regional accreditation agency that is recommended by the
education roundtable and approved by the state board.
(b) The state board shall establish the following:
(1) A performance based accreditation system for accrediting
schools in Indiana under this chapter.
(2) A procedure for determining whether a school is making
progress toward meeting the criteria for the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award for Education or a national or regional
accreditation agency.
(c) The department shall establish a schedule for accrediting
schools under this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-3
Accreditation levels
Sec. 3. (a) The state board shall establish the following
accreditation levels:
(1) Full accreditation status.
(2) Probationary accreditation status.
(b) After the review process described in this chapter has been
completed, including the review conducted by the onsite review
panel assigned under section 9 of this chapter, if applicable, the state
board shall assign either full accreditation status or probationary
accreditation status to each school and school corporation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-4
Full accreditation status
Sec. 4. (a) When all the schools in a school corporation achieve
full accreditation status, the department shall provide a certificate of
full accreditation to the school corporation.
(b) If one (1) or more schools in a school corporation are assigned
probationary status but the school corporation is in substantial
compliance with full accreditation standards, the state board shall
assign full accreditation status to that school corporation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-5
Benchmarks for performance
Sec. 5. The state superintendent and the state board shall
determine which of the benchmarks and indicators of performance
listed in IC 20-20-8-8 are appropriate benchmarks for performance
based accreditation under this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-6
Compliance with legal standards
Sec. 6. The department shall determine whether the school has
complied with the following legal standards for accreditation:
(1) Health and safety requirements.
(2) Minimum time requirements for school activity.
(3) Staff-student ratio requirements.
(4) Curriculum offerings.
(5) Development and implementation of a staff evaluation plan
under IC 20-28-11.
(6) Completion of a school improvement plan that:
(A) analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the school;
(B) outlines goals of the school community to which school
improvement activities will be directed; and
(C) identifies objectives of the school and programs
designed to achieve those objectives.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-7
Determination of full accreditation; review of school
Sec. 7. (a) If the department determines that:
(1) a school has complied with all the legal standards under
section 6 of this chapter; and
(2) the school's performance has met the expectations for that
school in the areas described in section 5 of this chapter;
the state board shall make a determination that the school has
acquired full accreditation status.
(b) The department shall conduct the next review under this
chapter of a school described under subsection (a) not later than five
(5) years after the state board's determination of full accreditation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-8
Onsite evaluation of school; publication of information concerning
Sec. 8. (a) If the department verifies that:
(1) a school has not complied with all the legal standards under
section 6 of this chapter; or
(2) the school's performance has not met the expectations for
that school in the areas described in section 5 of this chapter;
a review panel of at least three (3) members shall conduct an onsite
evaluation of that school to make a recommendation to the state
board as to the accreditation status of that school.
(b) The department may not publish or otherwise make available
for public inspection any information concerning a school's
compliance with legal standards under section 6 of this chapter, the
meeting of performance expectations under section 5 of this chapter,
the assignment of an onsite review panel under this section, or the
recommended accreditation status of the school until all onsite
reviews have taken place and recommendations to the state board
concerning the accreditation status of the school have been made.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-9
Review panel
Sec. 9. (a) Each review panel must consist of the following:
(1) One (1) staff member from the department.
(2) One (1) classroom teacher.
(3) One (1) individual who is not a classroom teacher but who
is representative of the field of education.
(b) The state board shall determine the selection process for the
review panels. However, the department shall assign, without state
board approval, a review panel to each school required to be
evaluated under section 8 of this chapter.
(c) The department may require that more than one (1) review
panel conduct the onsite evaluation of a school.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-10
Areas reviewed during onsite evaluation
Sec. 10. (a) During its onsite evaluation, a review panel shall
review the following for a school:
(1) Teaching practices and administrative leadership in
(2) Parental and community involvement.
(3) Implementation of the ISTEP remediation program under
IC 20-32-8 and the educational opportunity program for at-risk
(4) The homework policy.
(b) In addition to its review under subsection (a), the review panel
shall verify compliance with the legal standards for accreditation
under section 6 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-11
Recommendation of review panel
Sec. 11. Upon review of all the areas described in sections 5 and
10 of this chapter, a review panel shall make a recommendation to
the state board concerning:
(1) the accreditation status of the school;
(2) if applicable, certain recommendations for improvement that
the school should consider, including recommendations that the
department provide technical assistance to the school; and
(3) the next date of review for the school.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-12
Determination by board of status of reviewed school
Sec. 12. (a) Upon receipt of a review panel's recommendation, the
state board shall make one (1) of the following determinations as to
the accreditation status of the school:
(1) Full accreditation status with the next review being
conducted five (5) years after the state board's determination of
full accreditation.
(2) Full accreditation status with the next review being
conducted earlier than five (5) years after the state board's
determination of full accreditation.
(3) Probationary accreditation with the next review being
conducted one (1) year after the state board's determination of
probationary accreditation.
(b) A school that does not comply with all the legal standards may
not be determined to have acquired full accreditation status.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-13
Probationary status; duty of governing body of school corporation
Sec. 13. If a school is assigned probationary accreditation status,
the governing body of the school corporation shall:
(1) develop a plan, within one (1) year after the school is
assigned probationary status, to raise the school's level of
accreditation; and
(2) raise the school's level of accreditation within three (3) years
after the school is assigned probationary status.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-14
Probationary status; failure to make progress
Sec. 14. (a) If a school having probationary status:
(1) fails to make progress; or
(2) at the end of three (3) years has not achieved full
accreditation status;
the state board shall assign probationary accreditation status to the
school corporation in which the school is located.
(b) A school corporation on probationary accreditation status shall
direct its efforts toward raising the level of accreditation of each of
its schools that are on probationary accreditation status to full
accreditation status within one (1) year after the school corporation
is assigned probationary accreditation status.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-15
Probationary status; recommendations to general assembly
Sec. 15. If a school corporation on probationary accreditation
status does not raise the level of accreditation of each of its schools
that are on probationary accreditation status to full accreditation
status within one (1) year after the school corporation was assigned
probationary accreditation status, the department shall submit to the
general assembly recommendations concerning the operation and
administration of the school corporation and the schools within that
school corporation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-16
Probationary status; appeal; assistance
Sec. 16. (a) If a school or school corporation is assigned
probationary accreditation status, the governing body of the school
corporation may appeal that determination to the state board.
(b) If a school or school corporation is assigned probationary
accreditation status, the department shall provide assistance to that
school or school corporation to achieve full accreditation status.
(c) If a school is assigned probationary accreditation status, the
completion of the school improvement plan under section 6 of this
chapter must involve parents, administrators, teachers, and other
members of the community.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-4-17
Sec. 17. The state board shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2
necessary to implement this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.