IC 20-23-13
Chapter 13. Election of Governing Body Members in Hammond
Community School Corporation
IC 20-23-13-1
Board of trustees; election at primary; terms of office
Sec. 1. (a) In a community school corporation established under
IC 20-23-4 that:
(1) has a population of more than seventy-five thousand
(75,000) but less than ninety thousand (90,000); and
(2) is the successor in interest to a school city having the same
the governing body consists of a board of trustees of five (5)
members elected in the manner provided in this chapter.
(b) At the 2008 primary election and at each primary election
every four (4) years thereafter, there shall be elected in each school
corporation covered by this chapter two (2) governing body
members, each of whom shall serve for four (4) years. The two (2)
candidates for the office of school trustee receiving the highest
number of votes at the election take office on July 1 next following
the election.
(c) At the 2006 primary election and at each primary election
every four (4) years thereafter, there shall be elected in each school
city covered by this chapter three (3) governing body members, each
of whom shall serve for four (4) years. The three (3) candidates for
the office of school trustee receiving the highest number of votes at
the election take office on July 1 next following the election.
(d) The governing body members shall be elected at the times
provided and shall succeed the retiring members in the order and
manner as set forth in this section.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.230-2005, SEC.80.
IC 20-23-13-2
Method of election; ballots
Sec. 2. (a) As used in this section, "county election board" means
a board of elections and registration under IC 3-6-5.2.
(b) The governing body shall be elected on a general ticket for a
term of four (4) years by the voters of the school city. A voter may
vote in the primary election for governing body members without
otherwise voting and without declaring party preference. The
members of the governing body shall be elected at the time of the
primary elections as provided in section 1 of this chapter and shall be
taken from the city at large without reference to district. The election
shall be held under IC 3-10-1, insofar as it is not inconsistent with
this chapter.
(c) At the time provided by law for the filing of declaration of
candidacy for the primary election in which members of the
governing body are to be elected as provided for in this chapter, legal
voters of the city may present names of candidates for election as
members of the governing body to the county election board in each
county in which a school city subject to this chapter is situated as
(1) Each candidate shall be proposed in a petition in writing
signed by not less than two hundred (200) legal voters of the
school city.
(2) Not more than one (1) candidate may be named in any one
(1) petition.
(3) A legal voter may not sign petitions for a greater number of
candidates than the number of school trustees to be elected in
the primary election concerned.
(d) Upon the presentation of the petition to the county election
board, the board shall publish the names proposed in accordance
with IC 5-3-1 and shall certify the nominations in the manner as
required by law. The election shall be conducted in accordance with
IC 3.
(e) The county election board shall prepare the ballot for the
primary election at which governing body members are to be elected
as provided in this section so that the names of the candidates
nominated for the governing body appear on the ballot:
( (1) in alphabetical order;
(2) without party designation; and
(3) in the form prescribed by IC 3-10-1-19.
The name of a candidate may not be published and placed on the
ballot by the county election board if the candidate is ineligible for
membership on the governing body under this chapter. Each voter
may vote for as many candidates as there are governing body
members to be elected.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-13-3
Legislative intent
Sec. 3. The intent of this chapter is to provide that the governing
body of the school corporations to which it relates shall be elected as
provided in IC 20-23-4-27 and IC 20-23-4-29 through IC 20-23-4-31,
but this chapter prevails over any conflicting provisions of
IC 20-23-4 relating to any school corporation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.