IC 20-23-12
Chapter 12. Election of Governing Body Members in Gary
IC 20-23-12-1
Applicability of chapter
Sec. 1. IC 20-23-8 does not apply to:
(1) a school corporation; or
(2) the governing body of a school corporation;
covered by this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-2
"School corporation"
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "school corporation" means a
school corporation that is located in a city having a population of
more than ninety thousand (90,000) but less than one hundred five
thousand (105,000).
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-3
Governing body; members
Sec. 3. (a) The governing body of the school corporation consists
of seven (7) members elected as follows:
(1) On a nonpartisan basis.
(2) In a primary election held in the county.
(b) Six (6) of the members shall be elected from the school
districts drawn under section 4 of this chapter. Each member:
(1) is elected from the school district in which the member
resides; and
(2) upon election and in conducting the business of the
governing body, represents the interests of the entire school
(c) One (1) of the members elected:
(1) is the at-large member of the governing body;
(2) may reside in any of the districts drawn under section 4 of
this chapter; and
(3) upon election and in conducting the business of the
governing body, represents the interests of the entire school
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-4
Sec. 4. The districts are drawn on the same lines as the common
council districts referred to in IC 36-4-6-3.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-5
Candidates for district positions on governing body; election
Sec. 5. (a) The six (6) members who are elected for a position on
the governing body described under section 3(b) of this chapter are
determined as follows:
(1) Each prospective candidate must file a nomination petition
with the board of elections and registration not earlier than one
hundred four (104) days and not later than noon seventy-four
(74) days before the election at which the members are to be
elected that includes the following information:
(A) The name of the prospective candidate.
(B) The district in which the prospective candidate resides.
(C) The signatures of at least one hundred (100) registered
voters residing in the school corporation.
(D) The fact that the prospective candidate is running for a
district position.
(E) A certification that the prospective candidate meets the
qualifications for candidacy imposed by this chapter.
(2) Only eligible voters residing in the district may vote for a
(3) The candidate within each district who receives the greatest
number of votes in the district is elected.
(b) The at-large member elected under section 3(c) of this chapter
is determined as follows:
(1) Each prospective candidate must file a nomination petition
with the clerk of the circuit court at least seventy-four (74) days
before the election at which the at-large member is to be
elected. The petition must include the following information:
(A) The name of the prospective candidate.
(B) The signatures of at least one hundred (100) registered
voters residing within the school corporation.
(C) The fact that the prospective candidate is running for the
at-large position on the governing body.
(D) A certification that the prospective candidate meets the
qualifications for candidacy imposed by this chapter.
(2) Only eligible voters residing in the school corporation may
vote for a candidate.
(3) The candidate who:
(A) runs for the at-large position on the governing body; and
(B) receives the greatest number of votes in the school
is elected to the at-large position.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.230-2005, SEC.79;
P.L.1-2006, SEC.318.
IC 20-23-12-6
Residency requirements
Sec. 6. (a) A candidate who runs for a position on the governing
body described under section 3(b) of this chapter must reside in the
school corporation district for which the candidate filed.
(b) A candidate who runs for the at-large position on the
governing body described in section 3(c) of this chapter must reside
in the school corporation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-7
Balloting procedures
Sec. 7. The state board, with assistance from the county election
board, shall establish:
(1) balloting procedures under IC 3 for the election; and
(2) all other procedures required to implement this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-8
Term of office
Sec. 8. The term of each person elected to serve on the governing
(1) is four (4) years; and
(2) begins the July 1 that next follows the person's election.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-9
Schedule of elections
Sec. 9. The members are elected as follows:
(1) Three (3) of the members elected under section 3(b) of this
chapter are elected at the primary election to be held in 2008
and every four (4) years thereafter.
(2) Three (3) of the members elected under section 3(b) of this
chapter are elected at the primary election to be held in 2006
and every four (4) years thereafter.
(3) The at-large member elected under section 3(c) of this
chapter is elected at the primary election to be held in 2008 and
every four (4) years thereafter.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-10
Sec. 10. (a) A vacancy on the governing body is created when:
(1) a member:
(A) dies;
(B) resigns from the governing body;
(C) ceases to be a resident of the school corporation;
(D) fails to attend, except for reason of chronic illness, six
(6) regularly scheduled meetings of the governing body in
any twelve (12) month period; or
(E) ceases to be a resident of the school district in which the
member was elected; or
(2) a vacancy is created under any other law.
(b) The governing body shall temporarily fill a vacancy on the
governing body as soon as practicable after the vacancy occurs.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.
IC 20-23-12-11
List of members and officers of school corporation
Sec. 11. Before August 1 of each year, the school corporation
shall file with the state superintendent a list of the:
(1) names and addresses of members of the school corporation's
governing body;
(2) names and addresses of the school corporation's officers;
(3) expiration dates of the terms of the school corporation's
members and officers.
The school corporation shall file any change in the list not later than
thirty (30) days after the change occurs.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.