IC 2-3-4
Chapter 4. Power to Take Acknowledgments
IC 2-3-4-1
Members or officers of general assembly
Sec. 1. (a) Any member of the general assembly, the principalclerk of the house of representatives, or the secretary of the senatemay:
(1) take acknowledgment to deeds or other instruments inwriting;
(2) administer oaths, protest notes, and checks;
(3) take the deposition of a witness;
(4) take and certify affidavits and depositions; and
(5) perform any other duty conferred upon a notary public bythe statutes of Indiana.
(b) Acknowledgments to deeds or other instruments taken by anysuch person shall entitle such deeds or other instruments to berecorded the same as though acknowledged before a notary public.
(Formerly: Acts 1909, c.65, s.1.) As amended by Acts 1982, P.L.6,SEC.1; P.L.2-1985, SEC.1.
IC 2-3-4-2
Necessity of seal
Sec. 2. No member of the general assembly shall be authorized toperform any of the duties mentioned in section 1 of this chapter untilhe shall have procured such seal as will stamp upon paper a distinctimpression, in words or letters, sufficiently indicating his officialcharacter, to which may be added such other device as he maychoose. All acts not attested by such seal shall be void.
(Formerly: Acts 1909, c.65, s.2.) As amended by Acts 1982, P.L.2,SEC.9.
IC 2-3-4-3
Date of election to general assembly; appending to documents
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every member of the generalassembly performing any of the acts as set forth in this chapter, at thetime of signing any certificates of acknowledgment of a deed,mortgage or other instrument, or any jurat or other official document,to append to such certificate the date of his election to the generalassembly. The jurisdiction of any such member to perform the dutiesherein mentioned shall be coextensive with the state of Indiana.
(Formerly: Acts 1909, c.65, s.3.) As amended by Acts 1982, P.L.2,SEC.10.
IC 2-3-4-4
Sec. 4. Any such member performing any of the acts or dutieshereunder shall be entitled to the same fees as those charged bynotaries public, and where any act by a notary public would be aviolation of the law, it shall likewise be a violation of the law if
committed by a member of said general assembly in the performanceof any of the duties or acts authorized hereunder. All laws and partsof laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
(Formerly: Acts 1909, c.65, s.4.)