IC 16-41-41
Chapter 41. Stroke Prevention Task Force
IC 16-41-41-1
"Task force"
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "task force" refers to the stroke
prevention task force established by section 2 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2.
IC 16-41-41-2
Stroke prevention task force established
Sec. 2. The stroke prevention task force is established.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2.
IC 16-41-41-3
Members of task force
Sec. 3. (a) The task force consists of eighteen (18) members as
(1) The state health commissioner or the commissioner's
(2) The secretary of family and social services or the secretary's
(3) Two (2) representatives of a stroke support organization.
(4) Four (4) physicians with an unlimited license to practice
medicine under IC 25-22.5 and with expertise in stroke,
including at least:
(A) one (1) physician;
(B) one (1) neurologist;
(C) one (1) physician with expertise in the area of
cerebrovascular accidents; and
(D) one (1) emergency care physician who is a member of
the American College of Emergency Physicians.
(5) One (1) health care provider who provides rehabilitative
services to persons who have had a stroke.
(6) One (1) nurse with a license to practice under IC 25-23 and
who has experience in the area of cerebrovascular accidents.
(7) One (1) representative nominated by the Indiana Hospital
(8) One (1) representative from an emergency medical services
organization or provider.
(9) One (1) representative from the Indiana Minority Health
(10) One (1) stroke survivor or stroke survivor caregiver.
(11) One (1) recreational therapist who provides services to
persons who have had a stroke.
(12) One (1) representative from the Indiana Primary Health
Care Association.
(13) One (1) representative from the health insurance industry.
(14) One (1) clinical pharmacist who practices in the
community and not in a hospital.
(b) The governor shall appoint the members of the task force
designated by subsection (a)(3) through (a)(14). The governor may
remove an appointed member for cause.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.59-2008, SEC.1.
IC 16-41-41-4
Terms of members
Sec. 4. Each member of the task force serves a term of four (4)
years. A member appointed to fill a vacancy holds office for the
remainder of the unexpired term.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2.
IC 16-41-41-5
Sec. 5. Ten (10) members of the task force constitute a quorum for
transacting all business of the task force. The affirmative votes of a
majority of the voting members appointed to the council are required
for the task force to take action on any measure.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.59-2008, SEC.2.
IC 16-41-41-6
Governor appoints chair and vice chair
Sec. 6. The governor shall appoint one (1) council member to
serve as chair and one (1) council member to serve as vice chair. The
chair and vice chair shall serve a term of one (1) year.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.59-2008, SEC.3.
IC 16-41-41-7
Quarterly meetings
Sec. 7. The task force shall meet at least quarterly.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2.
IC 16-41-41-8
Department provides staff
Sec. 8. The state department shall provide staff for the task force.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2.
IC 16-41-41-9
Duties of task force
Sec. 9. The task force shall do the following:
(1) Prepare a report each year on the operation of the task force
and provide the report to the following:
(A) The governor.
(B) The commissioner of the state department.
(C) The legislative council. The report under this clause
must be in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.
(2) Develop a standardized stroke template checklist for
emergency medical services protocols to be used statewide.
(3) Develop a thrombolytic checklist for emergency medical
services personnel to use.
(4) Develop standardized dispatcher training modules.
(5) Develop a yearly training update and continuing education
unit for first responders that includes the Cincinnati Stroke
(6) Develop an integrated curriculum for providers, including:
(A) emergency medical services personnel;
(B) hospitals;
(C) first responders;
(D) physicians; and
(E) emergency room staff.
(7) Develop a standard template of protocols that include
thrombolytic treatment.
(8) Create a more refined and specific hospital survey stroke
assessment tool to assess the capability of hospitals in treating
patients who have had strokes.
(9) Research the feasibility of a state based primary stroke
center certification program.
(10) Develop a stroke survivor mentor program targeting
survivors after rehabilitation is complete.
(11) Distribute the rehabilitation survey developed by the Great
Lakes Stroke Network throughout Indiana to freestanding
rehabilitation hospitals.
(12) Implement a statewide patient and community education
initiative targeting at-risk populations in Indiana.
(13) Investigate the use of telemedicine in Indiana for the
treatment of neurologic and radiologic stroke patients.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.59-2008, SEC.4.
IC 16-41-41-10
Expenses of task force
Sec. 10. The expenses of the task force shall be paid from:
(1) funds appropriated to the task force by the general assembly;
(2) grant money awarded to the task force.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.59-2008, SEC.5.
IC 16-41-41-11
Task force expires
Sec. 11. This chapter expires July 1, 2012.
As added by P.L.69-2004, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.59-2008, SEC.6.