IC 16-40
IC 16-40-1
Chapter 1. Reporting of Persons With Disabilities
IC 16-40-1-1
Legislative intent and purpose
Sec. 1. (a) It is the intent of the state to develop, within the limits
of the state's capabilities and resources, a program that gives the
greatest assurance of enabling a person with a disability to achieve
the person's maximum potential and the highest degree of
independence possible.
(b) The purpose of this chapter is to create a procedure by which
to locate and identify persons with disabilities.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23. Amended by P.L.23-1993, SEC.78.
IC 16-40-1-2
Persons required to make report
Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), each:
(1) physician;
(2) superintendent of a hospital;
(3) director of a local health department;
(4) director of a local office of the department of child services;
(5) director of the division of disability and rehabilitative
(6) superintendent of a state institution serving individuals with
a disability; or
(7) superintendent of a school corporation;
who diagnoses, treats, provides, or cares for a person with a
disability shall report the disabling condition to the state department
within sixty (60) days.
(b) Each:
(1) physician holding an unlimited license to practice medicine;
(2) optometrist licensed under IC 25-24-1;
shall file a report regarding a person who is blind or has a visual
impairment with the office of the secretary of family and social
services in accordance with IC 12-12-9.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23. Amended by P.L.4-1993, SEC.246;
P.L.5-1993, SEC.259; P.L.23-1993, SEC.79; P.L.1-1994, SEC.90;
P.L.104-2003, SEC.5; P.L.141-2006, SEC.92; P.L.99-2007,
SEC.160; P.L.146-2008, SEC.449.
IC 16-40-1-3
Sec. 3. A report made under this chapter shall be made in the
manner and upon forms prescribed by and furnished by the state
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23.
IC 16-40-1-4
Birth defects reports
Sec. 4. The reports filed under this chapter by hospitals must
include birth defects.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23.
IC 16-40-1-5
School children
Sec. 5. The reports filed under this chapter by school corporations
must include children excluded from school because of a disability
as well as children with disabilities attending regular or special
programs of education.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23. Amended by P.L.23-1993, SEC.80.
IC 16-40-1-6
Sec. 6. The contents of a report made under this chapter are solely
for the use of departments of state government in the performance of
their duties under law and of organizations having a legitimate
interest in the information. The reports shall not be open to public
inspection and are not public records.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23.
IC 16-40-1-7
Transmission of reports to state department; tabulation,
compilation, and analysis
Sec. 7. All reports filed under this chapter shall be transmitted to
the state department. The state department shall tabulate, compile,
and analyze the reports and provide information to state departments
and organizations having a legitimate interest in the information.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.23.