IC 15-21-7
Chapter 7. Enforcement
IC 15-21-7-1
Enforcement by board; when enforcement permissible;
enforcement power
Sec. 1. (a) The board may enforce this article when the board
determines that sufficient funds have been deposited in the
commercial dog breeder and broker fund to permit enforcement.
(b) In enforcing this article, the board may:
(1) seek injunctive relief;
(2) issue an order of compliance notifying the commercial dog
breeder or commercial dog broker of a violation and requiring
corrective action by a certain date; and
(3) impose a civil penalty of not more than:
(A) five hundred dollars ($500) for a knowing violation;
(B) one thousand dollars ($1,000) for an intentional
violation; and
(C) five thousand dollars ($5,000) for knowingly or
intentionally violating an injunction.
(c) The board may seek an injunction to prohibit a commercial
dog breeder from registering with the board for not more than three
(3) years.
(d) Subsection (a) does not prohibit the board from assisting a law
enforcement agency in a criminal investigation.
As added by P.L.111-2009, SEC.4.