IC 14-9-7
Chapter 7. Employees of Department
IC 14-9-7-1
Professional or technical employees
Sec. 1. (a) Because the functions and duties of the department are
largely technical in nature and require specialized knowledge,
training, and experience for proper performance, the employees of
the department designated by the state personnel department as
professional or technical shall, except as otherwise expressly
provided in this article, be employed solely on the basis of the
qualifications of the employees to perform the required duties.
Political, religious, racial, and fraternal affiliations may not be a
consideration in personnel actions affecting the employees.
(b) Adequate provisions shall be made to assure that employees
selected possess the knowledge and ability and can satisfy the
minimum education and experience requirements as defined in the
class specifications for the positions.
(c) An employee under this policy may not:
(1) hold political office while employed by the department;
(2) solicit or receive money for political purposes; or
(3) be required to make contributions for or participate in
political activities.
(d) An applicant for a position may not be required to declare a
political, religious, racial, or fraternal affiliation.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.2.
IC 14-9-7-2
Personnel policy and procedures
Sec. 2. The department shall do the following:
(1) Coordinate the administration of the policy described in
section 1 of this chapter with the state personnel department.
(2) Develop the necessary procedures to ensure that the required
knowledge, ability, education, and experience qualifications are
met by the employees of the department.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.2.
IC 14-9-7-3
Applicability of IC 14-9-8 to law enforcement division employees
Sec. 3. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the
contrary, IC 14-9-8 applies to employees of the law enforcement
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.2.
IC 14-9-7-4
Fitness and compensation of directors, assistants, inspectors, and
Sec. 4. (a) Directors of divisions, and all assistants, inspectors,
and employees shall be chosen solely for fitness for the position,
professional or practical, as the nature of the position requires and
irrespective of political beliefs or affiliations. Fitness may be
determined by examination or otherwise, as the commission
(b) Directors, assistants, inspectors, and employees are entitled to
receive a compensation to be determined by the commission, upon
the recommendation of the director and subject to the approval of the
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.2.