IC 14-33-23
Chapter 23. General Provisions
IC 14-33-23-1
Entry onto land
Sec. 1. (a) The following persons may enter land in the district
and other land near the district as is necessary for district purposes:
(1) The board of directors.
(2) The board of appraisers.
(3) The staffs of both boards.
(4) All other persons employed or contracted with.
(b) In exercising the right granted by subsection (a), all reasonable
effort must be made to notify the freeholder or tenant before entry.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-23-2
County officers performing duties to carry out article
Sec. 2. The county auditor, county treasurer, and other officers of
the county shall take all proper steps to:
(1) collect and transmit money; and
(2) perform other duties;
necessary to carry out this article.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-23-3
Public utility providing water service
Sec. 3. (a) This section applies to a district established for the
purpose of providing water supply, including treatment and
distribution for domestic, industrial, and public use.
(b) A public utility engaged in the production, transmission, or
distribution of water may:
(1) initiate water service; or
(2) expand the public utility's water service area;
within the boundaries of a district described in subsection (a) if the
public utility has received an order from the Indiana utility regulatory
commission, after notice and hearing, that public convenience and
necessity requires the additional service.
(c) For the purposes of this section, the area of a district includes
the additional area in which the district may serve users under
IC 14-33-20.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-23-4
Purchase of sewage disposal works or storm drainage system by
Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to:
(1) a sewer;
(2) a sewage disposal plant or installation; or
(3) a storm water drain;
that is installed by a district in and serves an area that subsequently
comes within the corporate limits of a municipality that is not a part
of the district.
(b) The municipality may purchase that part of the sewage
disposal works or storm drainage system with approval of the court
and agreement with the district. The district shall protect the district's
own operations and obligations.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-23-5
Water line or water supply installation becoming property of
Sec. 5. (a) This section applies to a water line or water supply
installation installed by a district serving an area that subsequently
comes within the corporate limits of a municipality that:
(1) is not a part of the district; and
(2) owns and operates a waterworks serving the municipality.
(b) The water line or water supply installation may become the
property of the municipality at the option of the municipality, with
agreement of the district and approval of the court.
(c) The municipality must reimburse the district at a figure
equaling the district's verified cost. If the municipality and the
district fail to agree upon the compensation, the municipality and
district shall submit the matter to the Indiana utility regulatory
commission for determination. The district shall protect the district's
own operations and obligations.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-23-6
Liberal construction of article
Sec. 6. (a) This article shall be liberally construed to accomplish
the purpose of creating districts by which local water management
problems can best be solved.
(b) Failure of notice, duly ordered, does not void a proceeding
provided for in this article that is otherwise valid.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.