IC 13-12-5
Chapter 5. State Environmental Protection Hierarchy
IC 13-12-5-1
Approaches to environmental protection
Sec. 1. The general assembly recognizes that there are two (2)
approaches to environmental protection:
(1) clean manufacturing; or
(2) waste management, which is also known as pollution
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.124-1997, SEC.13.
IC 13-12-5-2
Clean manufacturing
Sec. 2. Clean manufacturing consists of economically feasible
practices that reduce, avoid, or eliminate the unnecessary use of
harmful industrial materials and the generation of industrial wastes,
pollutants, emissions, and discharges at the point of production.
Clean manufacturing practices are limited to the following:
(1) Product reformulation.
(2) Input substitution.
(3) Equipment redesign.
(4) Improved operations and procedures.
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.124-1997, SEC.14.
IC 13-12-5-3
Waste management or pollution control
Sec. 3. Waste management or pollution control consists of
environmental protection practices employed after industrial wastes,
pollutants, discharges, and emissions have been generated. Waste
management or pollution control practices include the following:
(1) Waste storage and waste transportation.
(2) Waste treatment, including the following:
(A) Detoxification.
(B) Incineration.
(C) Biological treatment.
(3) Land disposal of wastes.
(4) Recycling.
(5) Burning waste as fuels.
(6) Dispersal of waste into air or water.
(7) Dewatering of waste.
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.124-1997, SEC.15.
IC 13-12-5-4
Preferred approach
Sec. 4. The general assembly recognizes the following:
(1) That clean manufacturing is:
(A) the most reliable and effective form of environmental
protection; and
(B) the preferred approach to environmental protection.
(2) That wastes, pollutants, emissions, or discharges that have
not been avoided or eliminated by means of clean
manufacturing at the point of production should be managed or
controlled in a manner that has the least adverse impact on
human health and the environment.
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.124-1997, SEC.16.