IC 12-14-26
Chapter 26. Planning Councils
IC 12-14-26-1
"Planning council" defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "planning council" refers to:
(1) a local planning council described in IC 12-14-22-13(b)
(repealed July 1, 1998); or
(2) a regional planning council described in IC 12-14-22-13(f)
(repealed July 1, 1998).
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-2
Sec. 2. Not later than September 1, 1997, each county executive
(as defined in IC 36-1-2-5) shall establish a planning council by
doing one (1) of the following:
(1) Reappointing the members of a local planning council
established by the county executive under IC 12-14-22-13
(repealed July 1, 1998).
(2) Appointing one (1) or more new members to a local
planning council established by the county executive under
IC 12-14-22-13 (repealed July 1, 1998).
(3) Working with other county executives to establish or
reestablish a regional planning council as provided in
IC 12-14-22-13(f) (repealed July 1, 1998).
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-3
Meetings; action plan
Sec. 3. (a) Each planning council shall hold its first meeting not
later than October 1, 1997.
(b) Each planning council shall:
(1) meet at least one (1) time each month; and
(2) establish an action plan that will help recipients of Title
IV-A assistance:
(A) adjust to changes in the Title IV-A assistance program;
(B) become more self sufficient.
(c) An action plan developed under subsection (b) may include
suggestions for demonstration projects the planning council wants to
implement in the communities served by the planning council.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-4
Measuring future progress
Sec. 4. Each planning council established under this chapter shall
use, as a baseline from which to measure future progress, the plan
developed by the planning council established by IC 12-14-22-13
(repealed July 1, 1998) in the same county or region.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-5
Director of county office of family and children to inform council
Sec. 5. The director of the county office of family and children or
the director's designee in each county shall attend each meeting of
the planning council that includes members from the county to
inform the members of the planning council concerning:
(1) progress made in implementing changes to Title IV-A
assistance; and
(2) ways the planning council may help community members
who receive Title IV-A assistance to become more self
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-6
Proposal for demonstration project
Sec. 6. A planning council shall submit each proposal for a
demonstration project developed under section 3 of this chapter to
the office of the secretary of family and social services, which shall:
(1) approve the proposal;
(2) modify the proposal; or
(3) deny the proposal.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-7
Federal money to pay for demonstration project
Sec. 7. Money received from the federal government to implement
Title IV-A assistance may be used to provide funding for a
demonstration project under this chapter.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-8
Contracting authority
Sec. 8. A planning council may contract with local and regional
entities to provide resources and services needed to implement a
demonstration project under this chapter.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2.
IC 12-14-26-9
Filing of action plan
Sec. 9. Each planning council shall submit its action plan to the
state workforce innovation council established under IC 22-4-18.1.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.161-2006,
IC 12-14-26-10
State workforce innovation council to assist and coordinate
Sec. 10. The state workforce innovation council established under
IC 22-4-18.1 shall:
(1) assist each planning council as needed; and
(2) coordinate the sharing of:
(A) the details of each action plan; and
(B) the details and results of each demonstration project;
established under this chapter with planning councils
throughout the state.
As added by P.L.109-1997, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.161-2006,