IC 12-14-23
Chapter 23. Community Action Agencies; Community Action
IC 12-14-23-1
Legislative policy; purpose of chapter
Sec. 1. (a) It is the policy of Indiana to help develop the full
potential of each of its citizens so that they can live in decency and
dignity and so that they can contribute to the strength of the state as
a whole. The resources of the private sector of the economy should
be employed to increase the opportunities for people to develop their
(b) It is the purpose of this chapter to strengthen, supplement, and
coordinate efforts that further the policies stated in subsection (a).
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-2
"Community action agency" defined
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "community action agency" means
an entity that meets the following conditions:
(1) Is any of the following:
(A) A private nonprofit organization that is geographically
located within a community.
(B) A private nonprofit organization that is located in a
county or counties contiguous to or within reasonable
proximity of a community.
(C) A political subdivision, if there is no qualified nonprofit
organization identified that meets the criteria set forth in
clause A or B.
(2) Has the authority under state or federal law to receive
money to support the community action programs described in
sections 3 and 4 of this chapter.
(3) Is designated as a community action agency by the governor
or by federal law.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.186-2001, SEC.7.
IC 12-14-23-3
"Community action program" defined
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "community action program"
means a community based and operated program that meets the
following conditions:
(1) Includes or is designed to include a sufficient number of
projects or components to provide a range of services and
activities that have a measurable and potentially major impact
on causes of poverty in:
(A) the community; or
(B) those areas of the community where poverty is a
particularly acute problem.
(2) Has been developed, and organizes and combines the
program's component projects and activities, in a manner
appropriate to carry out all the purposes of this chapter.
(3) Conforms to any other criteria that the governor prescribes
consistent with this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-4
Community action programs; design and purpose; components
Sec. 4. (a) The components of a community action program shall
be designed to assist participants, including the poor and near poor,
persons with disabilities, farmworkers, the elderly, and youth, to do
the following:
(1) Secure and retain meaningful employment.
(2) Attain an adequate education.
(3) Make better use of available income.
(4) Provide and maintain adequate housing and a suitable living
(5) Undertake family planning consistent with personal and
family goals and religious and moral convictions.
(6) Obtain services for the following:
(A) The prevention of narcotics addiction and alcoholism.
(B) The rehabilitation of narcotic addicts and alcoholics.
(7) Obtain emergency assistance through loans or grants to meet
immediate and urgent individual and family needs, including
the need for health services, nutritious food, housing, and
employment related assistance.
(8) Remove obstacles and solve personal and family problems
that block the achievement of self-sufficiency.
(9) Achieve greater participation in the affairs of the
(10) Make more frequent and effective use of other programs
related to the purposes of this chapter.
(b) Components of a community action program may be:
(1) administered by:
(A) the community action agency when consistent with
sound and efficient management and applicable law; or
(B) other agencies;
(2) projects assisted from other public or private sources; and
(3) specially designed to meet local needs, or designed under
the eligibility standards of a state or federal program providing
assistance to a particular type of activity that will help meet
local needs.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-5
Organization under IC 12-14-23; right to receive state or federal
Sec. 5. A community action agency may not receive state or
federal money appropriated or allocated by the state to carry out
community action programs unless the agency is organized in
accordance with this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-6
Administration of programs; community action board
Sec. 6. (a) Each community action agency shall administer the
agency's community action programs through a volunteer community
action board consisting of not less than fifteen (15) and not more
than fifty-one (51) members.
(b) One-third (1/3) of the members of the board must be elected
public officials currently holding office or representatives of the
public officials.
(c) At least one-third (1/3) of the members of the board must be
persons chosen by democratic selection procedures that are adequate
to assure that those members are representative of the poor in the
area served.
(d) The other members of the board must be officials or members
of business, industry, labor, religious, welfare, education, or other
major groups and interests in the community.
(e) Each member of the board selected to represent a specific
geographic area within a community must reside in the area
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-7
Subsidiary board or agency responsible for major policy
determination; representation of geographic area
Sec. 7. If a community action agency places in a subsidiary board,
council, or similar agency the responsibility for major policy
determination concerning the character, funding, extent,
administration, and budgeting of programs to be carried on in a
particular geographic area within the community, the board, council,
or agency must be broadly representative of the geographic area.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-8
Community action agencies; consultation with neighborhood based
Sec. 8. Each community action agency shall consult neighborhood
based organizations composed of:
(1) residents of the area served; or
(2) members of the groups served;
to assist the agency in the planning, conduct, and evaluation of
components of the community action program.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-9
Community action agencies; powers, duties, and activities
Sec. 9. A community action agency shall do the following:
(1) Systematically plan for an effective community action
(2) Develop information concerning the problems and causes of
poverty in the community.
(3) Determine the amount and effectiveness of the assistance
being provided to deal with the problems and causes of poverty
in the community.
(4) Establish priorities among projects, activities, and areas to
ensure the best and most efficient use of resources.
(5) Encourage agencies engaged in activities related to the
community action program to do the following:
(A) Plan for, secure, and administer available assistance on
a common or cooperative basis.
(B) Provide planning or technical assistance to those
(6) In cooperation with community agencies and officials,
undertake actions to improve existing efforts to reduce poverty,
including the following:
(A) Improving day-to-day communications.
(B) Closing service gaps.
(C) Focusing resources on the most needy.
(D) Providing additional opportunities to low income
individuals for any of the following:
(i) Regular employment.
(ii) Participation in the programs or activities for which
those community agencies and officials are responsible.
(7) Initiate and sponsor projects responsive to those needs of the
poor that are not otherwise being met. The projects must
emphasize the following:
(A) Providing central or common services that can be drawn
upon by various related programs.
(B) Developing new approaches or new types of services
that can be incorporated into other programs.
(C) Filling gaps pending the expansion or modification of
the programs.
(8) Establish effective procedures to do the following:
(A) Enable the poor and the affected area residents to
influence the character of programs affecting the interests of
the poor and the affected area.
(B) Provide for regular participation of the poor and the
affected area residents in the implementation of the
(C) Provide technical and other support needed to enable the
poor and neighborhood groups to secure available assistance
from public and private sources.
(9) Join with and encourage business, labor, and other private
groups and organizations to undertake, together with public
officials and agencies, activities in support of the community
action program that will result in the additional use of private
resources and capabilities. These activities shall be undertaken
for the following purposes:
(A) Developing new employment opportunities.
(B) Stimulating investment that will have a measurable
impact on reducing poverty among residents of areas of
concentrated poverty.
(C) Providing methods by which residents of the areas can
work with private groups, firms, and institutions in seeking
solutions to problems of common concern.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.
IC 12-14-23-10
Interlocal cooperation agreements
Sec. 10. Community action agencies may enter into interlocal
cooperation agreements with units of government.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.8.