IC 12-10-5
Chapter 5. The Alzheimer's Disease and Related Senile Dementia
Task Force
IC 12-10-5-1
"Task force" defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "task force" refers to the
Alzheimer's disease and related senile dementia task force
established by section 2 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-2
Establishment of task force
Sec. 2. The Alzheimer's disease and related senile dementia task
force is established.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-3
Membership; appointment
Sec. 3. (a) The task force consists of thirteen (13) voting and four
(4) nonvoting members as follows:
(1) Two (2) representatives of an Alzheimer's disease or related
senile dementia support organization.
(2) Five (5) individuals with expertise in Alzheimer's disease or
related senile dementia, including at least:
(A) one (1) physician with an unlimited license to practice
medicine under IC 25-22.5; and
(B) one (1) psychologist with a license to practice
psychology under IC 25-33.
(3) Two (2) health care providers that provide services to
persons with Alzheimer's disease or related senile dementia.
(4) One (1) individual whose parent, spouse, brother, or sister
is or was afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or related senile
(5) The commissioner of the state department of health or the
commissioner's designee.
(6) The director or the director's designee.
(7) One (1) representative of the division of mental health and
(8) Two (2) members of the house of representatives appointed
by the speaker of the house of representatives. The members
appointed under this subdivision:
(A) may not be members of the same political party; and
(B) serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the task force.
(9) Two (2) members of the senate appointed by the president
pro tempore of the senate. The members appointed under this
(A) may not be members of the same political party; and
(B) serve as nonvoting ex officio members of the task force.
(b) The members of the task force designated by subsection (a)(1)
through (a)(4) shall be appointed by the governor.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.140-1993, SEC.1;
P.L.215-2001, SEC.35.
IC 12-10-5-4
Term of office
Sec. 4. Each member of the task force serves a term of four (4)
years. A member appointed to fill a vacancy holds office for the
remainder of the unexpired term.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-5
Sec. 5. Eight (8) members of the task force constitute a quorum
for transacting all business of the task force.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-6
Officers; election; term
Sec. 6. The task force shall elect by majority vote one (1) of its
members as chairperson and one (1) of its members as vice
chairperson. The chairperson and vice chairperson serve a term of
one (1) year.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-7
Frequency of meetings
Sec. 7. The task force shall meet at least quarterly.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-8
Sec. 8. The division shall provide staff for the task force.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-9
Expenses reimbursement
Sec. 9. (a) Each member of the task force who is not a state
employee is not entitled to the minimum salary per diem provided by
IC 4-10-11-2.1(b). Such a member is, however, entitled to
reimbursement for traveling expenses and other expenses actually
incurred in connection with the member's duties, as provided in the
state travel policies and procedures established by the Indiana
department of administration and approved by the budget agency.
(b) Each member of the task force who is a state employee but
who is not a member of the general assembly is entitled to
reimbursement for traveling expenses and other expenses actually
incurred in connection with the member's duties, as provided in the
state travel policies and procedures established by the Indiana
department of administration and approved by the budget agency.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4.
IC 12-10-5-10
Sec. 10. (a) The task force shall assist the division in carrying out
the division's duties under IC 12-10-4 and IC 12-10-5.5, including the
formulation of rules adopted under IC 12-10-4.
(b) The task force shall do the following:
(1) Identify areas of concern to be addressed by the division.
(2) Compile available research in the area of Alzheimer's
disease or related senile dementia.
(3) Recommend services to the division to meet the needs of
individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related senile dementia,
including the needs of the individual's families.
(4) Recommend the development of training materials by the
division for persons who care for or provide services to
individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related senile dementia.
As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.106-1997, SEC.3.