IC 11-10-12
Chapter 12. Release Procedures
IC 11-10-12-1
Committed offenders; return of property, issuance of clothes
Sec. 1. (a) When a committed offender is released on parole or
discharged from the department, the department shall:
(1) within a reasonable period of time, return any property or
money, including accumulated earnings, held for the offender;
(2) provide him, if he is unable to provide them for himself,
with at least one (1) set of clothing appropriate for the season
of the year of such quality and styling that he will not be
identified as an ex-offender.
(b) The department, upon request by the offender, may issue a
complete set of serviceable work clothing, including work shoes, to
an offender whose occupation will require such clothing.
As added by Acts 1979, P.L.120, SEC.3.
IC 11-10-12-2
Committed criminal offender; transportation; money for
immediate needs
Sec. 2. (a) When a committed criminal offender is released on
parole or probation or is discharged, the department, at the discretion
of the department, shall:
(1) either:
(A) procure transportation for him to his designated place of
(B) procure public transportation for the released offender to
the Indiana city or town that is nearest to the released
offender's designated place of residence; or
(C) upon request of the offender, provide transportation for
the released offender to any other place in Indiana as the
commissioner may designate; and
(2) provide him with an amount of money to be determined by
the department in accordance with procedures approved by the
budget agency to enable him to meet his immediate needs.
Except as provided in subdivision (2), a criminal offender is not
entitled to receive a payment in lieu of transportation under this
(b) The department shall establish standards for use in
determining the amount of money to be paid under subsection (a)(2)
to a criminal offender upon release on parole or probation or upon
discharge. These standards:
(1) must be consistently applied to each criminal offender upon
release or discharge;
(2) must take into account amounts earned by criminal
offenders through work release programs before release or
discharge; and
(3) may allow for no payment to criminal offenders who are
determined by the department to have accumulated a sufficient
amount of money to meet the criminal offender's immediate
needs upon release or discharge.
As added by Acts 1979, P.L.120, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.128-1985,
SEC.1; P.L.240-1991(ss2), SEC.56; P.L.264-1999, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-12-3
Committed delinquent offenders; transportation, immediate
financial needs
Sec. 3. When a committed delinquent offender is released on
parole or discharged, the department shall, when the offender's
parents, guardian, or custodian have not provided transportation,
procure transportation to his destination. If the department
determines that a paroled or discharged offender's immediate
financial needs will not be provided for, it shall provide him with an
amount of money to be determined by the department, with the
approval of the state budget agency, to assist him in meeting those
As added by Acts 1979, P.L.120, SEC.3.
IC 11-10-12-4
Certification of discharge; informing offender of restoration of
voting rights
Sec. 4. Upon the discharge of a criminal offender, the department
shall do the following:
(1) Certify the discharge to the clerk of the sentencing court,
who shall make an entry on the record of judgment that the
sentence has been satisfied.
(2) Inform the criminal offender in writing of the right to
register to vote under IC 3-7-13-5.
(3) Provide the criminal offender with a copy of the voter's bill
of rights prescribed by the Indiana election commission under
IC 3-5-8.
As added by Acts 1979, P.L.120, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.9-2004,
IC 11-10-12-5
Assistance to committed offenders in applying for TANF
Sec. 5. (a) The department shall assist a committed offender in
applying for assistance under the federal Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families (TANF) program (45 CFR 260 et seq.) so that the
committed offender might be eligible for assistance when the
offender is subsequently:
(1) released on parole;
(2) assigned to a community transition program; or
(3) discharged from the department.
(b) The department shall provide the assistance described in
subsection (a) in sufficient time to ensure that the committed
offender will be able to receive assistance at the time the committed
offender is:
(1) released on parole;
(2) assigned to a community transition program; or
(3) discharged from the department.
As added by P.L.161-2007, SEC.4.
IC 11-10-12-6
Committed offender's use of Internet for employment search;
Sec. 6. (a) The department, during the ninety (90) days before a
committed offender is:
(1) released on parole;
(2) assigned to a community transition program;
(3) discharged from the department; or
(4) released on probation;
shall allow the committed offender to have Internet access to use web
sites that contain employment information in accordance with rules
adopted by the department.
(b) The department shall provide employment counseling and
Internet assistance to a committed offender who qualifies for Internet
access under subsection (a), by a person trained in employment
counseling and the use of Internet employment services.
(c) The department may restrict Internet access for a committed
offender under subsection (a) if the committed offender:
(1) has a warrant or detainer seeking transfer of the person to a
county or another jurisdiction;
(2) is no longer within ninety (90) days of release due to loss of
credit time, or the imposition of an additional criminal sentence;
(3) does not reside in a department facility; or
(4) has engaged in misconduct involving use of the Internet.
As added by P.L.119-2008, SEC.9.