IC 10-17-2
Chapter 2. County Recording of Military Discharge
IC 10-17-2-1
Book for recording
Sec. 1. To provide a special and permanent record of discharges
from a branch of the military service of the United States of members
of a branch of the service who are residents of Indiana, the county
recorder shall procure a sufficiently large and well bound book of
good material in which the county recorder shall record all
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.8.
IC 10-17-2-2
Recording; index
Sec. 2. A book providing for the recording of discharges from the
army, navy, or any other branch of the service must consist of printed
forms in blank, similar to and in conformity with the wording of the
forms of discharge used by the United States government, the size of
type being reduced to permit the printing of the form of the discharge
on one (1) page of the record. Each book must be provided with an
alphabetical index.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.8.
IC 10-17-2-3
Recorders; duties; fee prohibited
Sec. 3. A fee may not be collected for recording a discharge under
this chapter. The recorder shall immediately provide the discharged
person with a certified copy of the discharge at no charge in
accordance with IC 10-17-3-2.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.8.
IC 10-17-2-4
Person to whom a discharge record may be released; record
maintained in separate, confidential, and secure file
Sec. 4. (a) As used in this section, "photographic identification"
means an identification document that:
(1) shows the name of the individual to whom the document
was issued;
(2) shows a photograph of the individual to whom the document
was issued;
(3) includes an expiration date indicating that the document has
not expired; and
(4) was issued by the United States or the state of Indiana.
(b) A discharge record is not a public record under IC 5-14-3. A
county recorder may provide a certified copy of a discharge record
only to the following persons:
(1) The veteran who is the subject of the discharge record if the
veteran provides photographic identification.
(2) A person who provides photographic identification that
identifies the person as a county or city service officer.
(3) A person who provides photographic identification that
identifies the person as an employee of the Indiana department
of veterans' affairs.
(4) A person who:
(A) is a funeral director licensed under IC 25-15; and
(B) assists with the burial of the veteran who is the subject
of the discharge record;
if the person provides photographic identification and the
person's funeral director license.
(5) If the veteran who is the subject of the discharge record is
deceased, the spouse or next of kin of the deceased, if the
spouse or next of kin provides photographic identification and
a copy of the veteran's death certificate.
(6) The following persons under a court order, if the person
provides photographic identification and a certified copy of the
court order:
(A) The attorney in fact of the person who is the subject of
the discharge record.
(B) The guardian of the person who is the subject of the
discharge record.
(C) If the person who is the subject of the discharge record
is deceased, the personal representative of the estate of the
(c) To the extent technologically feasible, a county recorder shall
take precautions to prevent the disclosure of a discharge record filed
with the county recorder before May 15, 2007. After May 14, 2007,
a county recorder shall ensure that a discharge record filed with the
county recorder is maintained in a separate, confidential, and secure
(d) Disclosure of a discharge record by the county recorder under
this section is subject to IC 5-14-3-10.
As added by P.L.174-2007, SEC.1.