IC 10-16-16
Chapter 16. Military Academy Officers and Miscellaneous
IC 10-16-16-1
Active duty military personnel jury service exemption
Sec. 1. An individual who serves on active duty in the armed
forces of the United States or the Indiana National Guard is exempt
from service on any jury in any court of Indiana.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.151-2007, SEC.1.
IC 10-16-16-2
Sec. 2. A person who:
(1) fails to perform a duty imposed on the person by this article;
(2) otherwise violates this article;
commits a Class C infraction.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.
IC 10-16-16-3
Military academies; officers
Sec. 3. Upon recommendation of the superintendent of any
military, naval, or air academy in Indiana where:
(1) there is stationed by the United States Department of
Defense at least one (1) officer; and
(2) there is established at least one (1) unit of the reserve
officers training corps;
upon approval of the adjutant general, the governor may appoint the
members of faculties and staffs as officers. In the unassigned Indiana
national guard, the appointment may not be above the rank of
colonel. In the Indiana naval forces, the appointment may not be
above the rank of lieutenant commander.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.
IC 10-16-16-4
Applicability of military or naval laws to military academy officers
Sec. 4. The military or naval laws of Indiana pertaining to the
Indiana national guard or the Indiana naval forces do not apply to
officers appointed under section 3 of this chapter. These
commissions do not have any authority over the Indiana armed
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.
IC 10-16-16-5
Expiration of military academy officer commissions
Sec. 5. The commissions made under section 3 of this chapter are
in force at the pleasure of the governor and during the term of the
governor and expire:
(1) at the end of the term of office of the governor who made
the appointment; and
(2) upon the termination of any officer as a member of the
faculty or staff of the military, naval, or air academy.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.