IC 1-1-2
Chapter 2. Laws Governing the State
IC 1-1-2-1
Hierarchy of law
Sec. 1. The law governing this state is declared to be:
First. The Constitution of the United States and of this state.
Second. All statutes of the general assembly of the state in force,and not inconsistent with such constitutions.
Third. All statutes of the United States in force, and relating tosubjects over which congress has power to legislate for the states,and not inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States.
Fourth. The common law of England, and statutes of the BritishParliament made in aid thereof prior to the fourth year of the reign ofJames the First (except the second section of the sixth chapter offorty-third Elizabeth, the eighth chapter of thirteenth Elizabeth, andthe ninth chapter of thirty-seventh Henry the Eighth,) and which areof a general nature, not local to that kingdom, and not inconsistentwith the first, second and third specifications of this section.
(Formerly: Acts 1852,1RS, c.61, s.1.)
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Criminal law statutory
Sec. 2. Crimes shall be defined and punishment therefor fixed bystatutes of this state and not otherwise.
(Formerly: Acts 1852,1RS, c.61, s.2.) As amended by Acts 1978,P.L.2, SEC.101.