765 ILCS 825/ City Sale or Lease of Land for Cemeteries Act.

    (765 ILCS 825/0.01) (from Ch. 21, par. 6h)
    Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the City Sale or Lease of Land for Cemeteries Act.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1324.)

    (765 ILCS 825/1) (from Ch. 21, par. 7)
    Sec. 1. That in all cities of which the mayor and aldermen have heretofore been incorporated by any special act, as a cemetery association or body politic, it shall be lawful, a majority of their number assenting thereto, for such association or body politic to demise for a term of years, or to convey in perpetuity any real estate which it may have acquired by purchase or otherwise; and the real estate so conveyed shall be devoted exclusively for burial or cemetery purposes by the grantee or lessee thereof.
(Source: Laws 1875, p. 40.)