765 ILCS 405/ Land Trust Beneficial Interest Disclosure Act.

    (765 ILCS 405/0.01) (from Ch. 148, par. 70)
    Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Land Trust Beneficial Interest Disclosure Act.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1324.)

    (765 ILCS 405/1) (from Ch. 148, par. 71)
    Sec. 1. Definitions.
    As used in this Act:
    "Beneficial interest" means any interest, regardless of how small or minimal such interest may be, in a land trust, held by a trustee for the benefit of beneficiaries of such land trust.
    "Beneficiary" means any person, body politic, corporate or other entity having a beneficial interest in a land trust.
    "Land trust" means any express agreement or arrangement whereof a use, confidence or trust is declared of any land, or of any charge upon land, for the use or benefit of any beneficiary, under which the title to real property, both legal and equitable, is held by a trustee, subject only to the execution of the trust, which may be enforced by the beneficiaries who have the exclusive right to manage and control the real estate, to have the possession thereof, to receive the net proceeds from the rental, sale, hypothecation or other disposition thereof, and under which the interest of the beneficiary is personal property only.
(Source: P. A. 78‑903.)

    (765 ILCS 405/2) (from Ch. 148, par. 72)
    Sec. 2. Whenever any trustee of a land trust, or any beneficiary or beneficiaries of a land trust, make application to the State of Illinois or to any of its agencies or political subdivisions for any benefit, authorization, license or permit, relating to the land which is the subject of such trust, any interest therein, improvements thereto, or use thereof, such application shall identify each beneficiary of such land trust by name and address and define his interest therein. Each beneficiary shall be identified, regardless of the size of the beneficiary's interest in the land trust. During the term of the lease, the trustee shall file supplements to the application identifying (by name, address, and interest) each beneficiary added or deleted. A beneficiary identified in an application or supplement shall not be a nominee for another individual or entity. The application also shall specify whether the land trust currently owns the property that is the subject of the lease.
    All such applications and supplements shall be verified by the applicant in his capacity as trustee, or by the beneficiary as a beneficial owner of an interest in such land trust. If such application or supplement is filed by a body politic or other corporate entity it shall be verified by a duly authorized officer of such body politic or other corporate entity for whom the application is made.
    If an application or supplement is with respect to a lease of property to the State, the application or supplement shall be filed with the head of the appropriate State agency at least 30 days before the lease is executed.
(Source: P.A. 88‑174.)

    (765 ILCS 405/2.1) (from Ch. 148, par. 72.1)
    Sec. 2.1. (a) No grant funds shall be paid to any trustee of a land trust, or any beneficiary or beneficiaries of a land trust, for any purpose relating to the land which is the subject of such trust, any interest in such land, improvements to such land or use of such land unless the grant agreement authorizes the grantee to enter into such agreement and a statement is first filed which identifies each beneficiary of such land trust by name and address and defines his interest therein. The statement shall be verified by the trustee, or by the beneficiary as a beneficial owner of an interest in such land trust. If the statement is filed by a body politic or other corporate entity it shall be verified by a duly authorized officer of the body politic or other corporate entity for which the statement is made. The statement shall be filed with the grantor agency, and a copy of the statement shall be filed with the Comptroller as an attachment to the grant agreement.
    (b) As used in this Section, "grant funds" and "grantor agency" have the same meanings ascribed to such terms in the "Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act", as amended.
(Source: P.A. 85‑747.)

    (765 ILCS 405/3) (from Ch. 148, par. 73)
    Sec. 3. False verification ‑ Perjury. Whoever, in swearing to, or affirming, an application or statement as required under this Act, makes a false statement as to the identification of beneficiaries of a land trust, or which is material to an issue or point in question in such application or statement, or who, having taken a lawful oath or made affirmation, shall testify willfully and falsely as to any of such matters for the purpose of inducing the approval of any such benefit, authorization, license or permit, or who shall suborn any other person to so swear, affirm or testify, is guilty of perjury or subornation of perjury, as the case may be, and upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced as provided in Sections 32‑2 or 32‑3, respectively, of the Criminal Code of 1961, as amended, for such offenses.
(Source: P.A. 85‑747.)