Division 9 - Tax Certificates Of Title And Procedures

      (35 ILCS 516/Div. 9 heading)
Division 9. Tax certificates of title and procedures

    (35 ILCS 516/365)
    Sec. 365. Notice of sale and redemption rights. In order to be entitled to a tax certificate of title, within 4 months and 15 days after any sale held under this Act, the purchaser or his or her assignee shall deliver to the county clerk a notice to be given to the party in whose name the taxes are last assessed as shown by the most recent tax collector's warrant books, in at least 10 point type in the following form completely filled in:
    County of ................................................
    Date Premises Sold .......................................
    Certificate No. ..........................................
    Sold for Taxes of (year) .................................
    Warrant No. ............... Inst. No. .................
Property located at ..........................................
Mobile Home Vehicle Identification No. (or other unique description) .
    This notice is to advise you that the above mobile home has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on .
    This notice is also to advise you that a petition will be filed for a tax certificate of title which will transfer certificate of title and the right to possession of this mobile home if redemption is not made on or before .
    At the date of this notice the total amount which you must pay in order to redeem the above mobile home is .
    Redemption can be made at any time on or before .... by applying to the County Clerk of .... County, Illinois at the County Court House in ...., Illinois.
    The above amount is subject to increase at 6 month intervals from the date of sale. Check with the county clerk as to the exact amount you owe before redeeming. Payment must be made by certified check, cashier's check, money order, or in cash.
    For further information contact the County Clerk.
Purchaser or Assignee
    Dated (insert date).
    Within 10 days after receipt of said notice, the county clerk shall mail to the addresses supplied by the purchaser or assignee, by registered or certified mail, copies of said notice to the party in whose name the taxes are last assessed as shown by the most recent tax collector's warrant books. The purchaser or assignee shall pay to the clerk postage plus the sum of $10. The clerk shall write or stamp the date of receiving the notices upon the copies of the notices, and retain one copy.
(Source: P.A. 92‑807, eff. 1‑1‑03.)

    (35 ILCS 516/370)
    Sec. 370. Notice of expiration of period of redemption. A purchaser or assignee shall not be entitled to a tax certificate of title to the mobile home sold unless, not less than 3 months nor more than 5 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption, he or she gives notice of the sale and the date of expiration of the period of redemption to the owners, occupants, and parties interested in the mobile home as provided below.
    The Notice to be given to the parties shall be in at least 10 point type in the following form completely filled in:
TAX DEED NO. .................... FILED ....................
    County of ................................................
    Date Premises Sold .......................................
    Certificate No. .........................................
    Sold for Taxes of (year) .................................
    Warrant No. ................ Inst. No. .................
Property located at ..........................................
Mobile Home Vehicle Identification No. (or other unique description) .
    This notice is to advise you that the above mobile home has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the sale will expire on .
    The amount to redeem is subject to increase at 6 month intervals from the date of sale and may be further increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays any subsequently accruing taxes to redeem the mobile home from subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the county clerk as to the exact amount you owe before redeeming.
    This notice is also to advise you that a petition has been filed for a tax certificate of title which will transfer certificate of title and the right to possession of this mobile home if redemption is not made on or before .
    This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of this county in ...., Illinois on .....
    You may be present at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have expired at that time.
    Redemption can be made at any time on or before .... by applying to the County Clerk of .... County, Illinois at the County Court House in ...., Illinois.
    For further information contact the County Clerk. .......................... Purchaser or Assignee. (Source: P.A. 92‑807, eff. 1‑1‑03.)

    (35 ILCS 516/375)
    Sec. 375. Service of notice. The purchaser or his or her assignee shall give the notice required by Section 370 by causing it to be published in a newspaper as set forth in Section 380. In addition, the notice shall be served by a process server or sheriff (or if he or she is disqualified, by a coroner) of the county in which the mobile home is located upon owners who reside in the mobile home sold by leaving a copy of the notice with those owners personally.
    The same form of notice shall also be served upon all other owners and parties interested in the mobile home, if upon diligent inquiry they can be found in the county, and upon the occupants of the mobile home in the following manner:
        (a) as to individuals, by (1) leaving a copy of the
     notice with the person personally or (2) by leaving a copy at his or her usual place of residence with a person of the family, of the age of 13 years or more, and informing that person of its contents. The person making the service shall cause a copy of the notice to be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to that party at his or her usual place of residence;
        (b) as to public and private corporations,
     municipal, governmental and quasi‑municipal corporations, partnerships, receivers and trustees of corporations, by leaving a copy of the notice with the person designated by the Civil Practice Law.
    When a party interested in the mobile home is a trustee, notice served upon the trustee shall be deemed to have been served upon any beneficiary or note holder thereunder unless the holder of the note is disclosed of record.
    When a judgment is a lien upon the mobile home sold, the holder of the lien shall be served with notice if the name of the judgment debtor as shown in the transcript, certified copy or memorandum of judgment filed of record is identical, as to given name and surname, with the name of the party interested as it appears of record.
    If any owner or party interested, upon diligent inquiry and effort, cannot be found or served with notice in the county as provided in this Section, and the person in actual occupancy and possession is tenant to, or in possession under the owners or the parties interested in the mobile home, then service of notice upon the tenant, occupant or person in possession shall be deemed service upon the owners or parties interested.
    If any owner or party interested, upon diligent inquiry and effort cannot be found or served with notice in the county, then the person making the service shall cause a copy of the notice to be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to that party at his or her residence, if ascertainable.
(Source: P.A. 92‑807, eff. 1‑1‑03.)

    (35 ILCS 516/380)
    Sec. 380. Proof of service of notice; publication of notice. The sheriff or coroner serving notice under Section 375 shall endorse his or her return thereon and file it with the clerk of the circuit court and it shall be a part of the court record. A special process server appointed under Section 375 shall make his or her return by affidavit and shall file it with the clerk of the circuit court, where it shall be a part of the court record. If a sheriff, special process server, or coroner to whom any notice is delivered for service, neglects or refuses to make the return, the purchaser or his or her assignee may petition the court to enter a rule requiring the sheriff, special process server, or coroner to make return of the notice on a day to be fixed by the court, or to show cause on that day why he or she should not be attached for contempt of the court. The purchaser or assignee shall cause a written notice of the rule to be served upon the sheriff, special process server, or coroner. If good and sufficient cause to excuse the sheriff, special process server, or coroner is not shown, the court shall adjudge him or her guilty of contempt, and shall proceed to punish him as in other cases of contempt.
    If the mobile home is located in a municipality in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, the purchaser or his or her assignee shall also publish a notice as to the owner or party interested, in some newspaper published in the municipality. If the mobile home is not in a municipality in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants, or if no newspaper is published therein, the notice shall be published in some newspaper in the county. If no newspaper is published in the county, then the notice shall be published in the newspaper that is published nearest the county seat of the county in which the mobile home is located. If the owners and parties interested in the mobile home upon diligent inquiry are unknown to the purchaser or his or her assignee, the publication as to such owner or party interested, may be made to unknown owners or parties interested. Any notice by publication given under this Section shall be given 3 times at any time after filing a petition for tax certificate of title, but not less than 3 months nor more than 5 months prior to the expiration of the period of redemption. The publication shall contain (a) notice of the filing of the petition for tax certificate of title, (b) the date on which the petitioner intends to make application for an order on the petition that a tax certificate of title issue, (c) a description of the mobile home, (d) the date upon which the mobile home was sold, (e) the taxes for which it was sold and (f) the date on which the period of redemption will expire. The publication shall not include more than one mobile home listed and sold in one description, except as provided in Section 35, and except that when more than one mobile home is owned by one person, all of the mobile homes owned by that person may be included in one notice.
(Source: P.A. 92‑807, eff. 1‑1‑03.)