67-6206. Powers of association. The housing and finance association is an independent public body corporate and politic, exercising public and essential governmental functions, and having all the powers which are hereby declared to be public purposes necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including the following powers in addition to others herein granted:
(a) To sue and to be sued; to have a seal and to alter the same at pleasure; to have perpetual succession; to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers of the association; and to make and from time to time amend and repeal bylaws, rules, not inconsistent with this chapter, to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the association.
(b) To conduct its operations within any or all of the counties of the state.
(c) To cooperate with housing authorities throughout Idaho in the development of housing projects.
(d) To assign priorities for action and revise or modify said priorities from time to time.
(e) To make and execute agreements, contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers and functions of the association under this chapter, including contracts with any housing sponsor, mortgage lender, person, firm, corporation, governmental agency, or other entity; and to include in any contract let in connection with a project, stipulations requiring that the contractor and any subcontractors comply with requirements as to minimum wages and maximum hours of labor, and comply with any conditions which the federal government may have attached to its financial aid of the project and to designate mortgage lenders to act for and in behalf of the association, with respect to originating or servicing and processing mortgage loans of the association, and to pay the reasonable value of service rendered to the association by such mortgage lenders pursuant to contracts with mortgage lenders.
(f) To lease, sell, construct, finance, reconstruct, restore, rehabilitate, operate or rent any housing projects, nonprofit facilities or any dwellings, houses, accommodations, lands, buildings, structures or facilities embraced in any housing project or nonprofit facilities and, subject to the limitations contained in this chapter, to establish and revise the rents or charges therefor.
(g) To own, hold and improve real or personal property; to purchase, lease, obtain options upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, eminent domain or otherwise, any real or personal property or any interest therein.
(h) To acquire any real property; to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge or dispose of any real or personal property or any interest therein.
(i) To insure or provide for the insurance of any real or personal property or operation of the association against any risks or hazards, and to procure or agree to the procurement of insurance or guarantees from the federal government or other source for the payment or purchase of any bonds or parts thereof issued by the association, including the power to pay for any such insurance or guarantees.
(j) To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement, in property or securities in which a bank, as defined in the "bank act," title 26, Idaho Code, may legally invest funds including without limitation, to agree to purchase the obligations of any federal, state or local government upon such conditions as the association may determine to be prudent and in its best interest.
(k) Within its area of operation: to investigate into living, dwelling and housing conditions and into the means and methods of improving such conditions; to determine where slum areas exist or where there is a shortage of adequate, safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low-income; to make studies and recommendations relating to the problem of clearing, replanning and reconstruction of slum areas and the problem of providing dwelling accommodations for persons of low-income, and to cooperate with the city, the county, the state or any political subdivision thereof in action taken in connection with such problems; and to engage in research, studies and experimentation on the subject of housing.
(l) To participate in cooperative ventures with any agencies, organizations and individuals in order to undertake the provision of housing for persons of low-income, to undertake the provision of nonprofit facilities, economic development projects or agricultural facilities.
(m) To provide research and technical assistance to eligible agencies, organizations and individuals eligible to develop low cost housing and to research new low cost housing development and construction methods.
(n) To make and undertake commitments to make or participate in the making of mortgage loans to persons of low-income and to housing sponsors, including without limitation federally insured mortgage loans, and to make temporary loans and advances in anticipation of permanent loans to housing sponsors; said mortgage loans to housing sponsors shall be made to finance the construction, improvement, or rehabilitation of housing projects for persons of low-income, and/or mixed income housing projects upon the terms and conditions set forth in this chapter; provided, however, that such loans shall be made only upon the determination by the association that mortgage loans are not otherwise available, wholly or in part, from private lenders upon reasonably equivalent terms and conditions.
(o) To purchase, or make commitments to purchase or participate in the purchase of mortgage loans from mortgage lenders which loans have been made for the construction, improvement, or rehabilitation of housing projects for persons of low-income and/or mixed income housing projects or loans which have been made to persons of low-income for residential housing, upon terms set forth in this chapter; provided, however, that any such purchase shall be made only upon the determination by the association that the mortgage loans to be made are not otherwise being made by mortgage lenders upon reasonably equivalent terms and conditions. Also, to purchase, or make commitments to purchase or participate in the purchase of mortgage loans from mortgage lenders whether or not said loans were made to persons of low-income, upon terms set forth in this chapter; provided, however, that the proceeds from such purchase or the equivalent thereof shall be reinvested in obligations of the association, in mortgage loans to persons of low-income or in mortgage loans for housing projects for persons of low-income and/or mixed income housing projects, and provided that any such purchase shall be made only upon the determination by the association that the mortgage loans to be made are not otherwise being made by mortgage lenders upon reasonably equivalent terms and conditions.
(p) To provide interim financing for housing projects including mixed income housing projects approved by the association, provided that the association has determined that such financing is not otherwise available from mortgage lenders upon reasonably equivalent terms and conditions.
(q) To prescribe rules and policies in connection with the performance of its functions and duties.
(r) To do all other things deemed necessary and desirable to accomplish the objectives of this chapter.
(s) To borrow money and issue bonds and notes or other obligations, to invest the proceeds thereof in any lawful manner and to fund or refund the same, and to provide for the rights of the holders of its obligations as provided in this chapter and in connection therewith, to waive, by resolution or other document of the association, the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on any of the association’s obligations under existing or future federal law and to establish, maintain and preserve the association’s general obligation rating and any rating on its bonds, notes or other obligations.
(t) To receive and accept aid or contributions from any source.
(u) To employ architects, engineers, attorneys, accountants, housing construction and financial experts and such other advisors, consultants and agents as may be necessary in its judgment and to fix their compensation.
(v) To insure mortgage payments of any mortgage loan made for the purpose of constructing, rehabilitating, purchasing, leasing, or refinancing housing projects upon such terms and conditions as the association may prescribe.
(w) To fix and revise from time to time and charge and collect fees and charges in connection with loans made or other services provided by the association pursuant to this chapter, and to make and publish rules respecting the making and purchase of mortgage loans.
(x) To organize a nonprofit corporation to assist the association in providing for housing projects.
(y) To enter upon and inspect any housing project, including housing projects undertaken by housing sponsors, for the purpose of investigating the physical and financial condition thereof, and its construction, rehabilitation, operation, management and maintenance, and to examine all books and records with respect to capitalization, income and other matters relating thereto.
(z) To order such alterations, changes or repairs as may be necessary to protect the security of its investment in a housing project or the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants thereof.
(aa) To make or purchase secured loans for the purpose of providing temporary or permanent financing or refinancing of all or part of the project costs of any nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility, including the refunding of any outstanding obligations, mortgages or advances issued, made or given by any person for the project costs of a nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility; provided that private financial institutions shall be involved in providing such financing for economic development projects, and further, that the association will work with private financial institutions as the primary or preferred credit enhancement providers if credit enhancement is needed for such financings, and to charge and collect interest on the loans for the loan payments upon such terms and conditions, including without limitation bond rating and issuance conditions, as the board of commissioners considers advisable which are not in conflict with this chapter.
(bb) As security for the payment of the principal of and interest on any revenue bonds issued and any agreements made in connection therewith, to mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber any or all of nonprofit facilities, economic development projects or agricultural facilities or any part or parts thereof, whether then owned or thereafter acquired, and to assign any mortgage and repledge any security conveyed to the association, to secure any loan made by the association and to pledge the revenues and receipts therefrom.
(cc) To issue bonds for the purpose of financing all or part of the project cost on any nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility and to secure the payment of the bonds as provided in this chapter.
(dd) To purchase or sell by installment contract or otherwise, and convey all or any part of any nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility for such purchase price and upon such terms and conditions as this board of commissioners considers advisable which are not in conflict with this chapter.
(ee) To lease all or any part of any nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility for such rentals and upon such terms and conditions, including options to purchase, as the board of commissioners considers advisable and not in conflict with this chapter.
(ff) To construct and maintain one (1) or more nonprofit facilities, economic development projects or agricultural facilities, provided that the association shall not operate any nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility as a business other than as lessor, seller or lender. The purchase, holding and enforcing of mortgages, deeds of trust, or other security interests and contracting for any servicing thereof is not considered the operation of a nonprofit facility, economic development project or agricultural facility as a business.
(gg) To act as the designated housing resource clearinghouse in the state for matters relating to affordable housing.
(hh) To coordinate the development and maintenance of a housing policy for the state.
(ii) To enter into agreements or other transactions and accept grants, reimbursements or other payments, with the cooperation of the United States or any agency thereof or of the state of Idaho or any agency thereof or municipality of the state in furtherance of the purposes of this act, including, but not limited to, the development, maintenance, operation and financing of any transportation project and to do any and all things necessary in order to avail the association of such aid and cooperation.
(jj) To borrow money and issue bonds and notes or other evidences of indebtedness thereof as hereinafter provided to finance transportation projects approved and recommended by the transportation board.