54-3905. Exceptions to licensure requirement. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing or restricting the practice, services or activities or requiring licensure pursuant to this chapter of:
(1) Any person licensed in this state by any other law, from engaging in the profession or occupation for which such person is licensed or registered or otherwise regulated; or
(2) Any person employed as an athletic trainer by the government of the United States or any agency thereof, if such person provides athletic trainer services solely under the direction or control of the government agency by which such person is employed; or
(3) Any person pursuing a supervised course of study leading to a degree, licensure or registration as athletic trainer in an accredited or approved educational program, if the person is designated by a title which clearly indicates a student or trainee status; or
(4) Any person fulfilling supervised fieldwork experience requirements as prescribed by the board; or
(5) For purposes of continuing education, consulting, and/or training, any person performing athletic trainer services in the state, if these services are performed for no more than sixty (60) days in a calendar year in association with an athletic trainer licensed under this chapter, if:
(a) The person is licensed, registered or certified and in good standing as an athletic trainer in another state; or
(b) The person is certified and in good standing as an athletic trainer by the national athletic trainers’ association board of certification or by a nationally recognized credentialing agency, accepted by the board.
(6) Nothing herein shall be construed to require registration of elementary or secondary school teachers, coaches or authorized volunteers who do not hold themselves out to the public as athletic trainers.
(7) This act shall not be construed as to require licensure by persons assisting in an emergency or in providing aid or service for which no fee for service is contemplated, charged or received, provided that the person providing the service or assisting in the emergency does not hold himself out as an athletic trainer.