54-1504. State board of optometry -- Notice of vacancy -- Nominees. Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the regular term of a member of the board or upon the occurrence or declaration of a vacancy in the membership of the board, the governor shall be notified by the chairman of the board in writing. The bureau of occupational licenses shall, within sixty (60) days thereafter, forward the names of three (3) persons eligible to fill such vacancy and nominated pursuant to the terms of this act to the governor who shall thereupon appoint from among such nominees the person to be a member to the board to fill such vacancy. The said nominees shall be nominated as provided in this act, provided that for the purposes of such nominations and appointments, the state shall be divided by the state board of optometry into three (3) districts and nominations and appointments to the board shall be made in such a manner that each district shall be represented on the board by one (1) licensed optometrist residing in the district at the time of his appointment and provided, however, that the other two (2) members of the board may reside in any of the three (3) districts. If the bureau shall fail to furnish to the governor the names of the nominees eligible to fill vacancies within the time herein provided, the governor may appoint any optometrist qualified to fill said vacancy, provided that if the vacancy be in the term of the only member from one (1) of the three (3) districts, the appointee must reside within said district.
Following the effective date of this act or upon notification of a vacancy on the state board of optometry, the board shall send by mail to each licensed optometrist residing in the state of Idaho a nominating ballot prepared by the board or a person designated by it, pursuant to rules of the state board of optometry, for return within thirty (30) days by mail to the board or a person designated by it, to be counted without revealing or identifying the names of the persons nominated by any specific individual returning a ballot as that person’s nominations.
Upon a vacancy occurring after the effective date of this act, each optometrist receiving a ballot may list any number of different individual names between one (1) and six (6) as his nominations to fill that vacancy, and following the totalling of ballots for nomination to fill a subsequent vacancy on the state board of optometry, the board, or a person designated by it, shall forward the names of the three (3) persons, eligible to fill such vacancy, listed most frequently on the ballots returned.
In each instance the board, or a person designated by it, shall also forward the name of any persons eligible to be appointed initially or to fill a vacancy whose names were listed a number of times in excess of twenty per cent (20%) of the number of licensed optometrists then residing in the state of Idaho and eligible to vote.