39-3516. Resident rights. A certified family home must protect and promote the rights of each resident, including each of the following rights:
(1) Resident records. Each certified family home must maintain and keep current a record of the following information on each resident:
(a) A copy of the resident’s current negotiated plan of service and physician’s history and physical that includes current medications and special treatments.
(b) Written acknowledgement that the resident has received copies of the rights.
(c) A record of all personal property and funds which the resident has entrusted to the certified family home, including copies of receipts for the property.
(d) Information about any specific health problems of the resident which may be useful in a medical emergency.
(e) The name, address and telephone number of an individual identified by the resident who should be contacted in the event of an emergency or death of the resident.
(f) Any other health-related, emergency or pertinent information which the resident requests the certified family home to keep on record.
(g) The current admission agreement between the resident and the certified family home.
(2) Privacy. Each resident must be assured the right to privacy with regard to accommodations, medical and other treatment, written and telephone communications, visits, and meetings of family and resident groups.
(3) Humane care and environment (dignity and respect).
(a) Each resident shall have the right to humane care and a humane environment, including the following:
(i) The right to a diet which is consistent with any religious or health-related restrictions.
(ii) The right to refuse a restricted diet.
(iii) The right to a safe and sanitary living environment.
(b) Each resident shall have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, including:
(i) The right to be treated in a courteous manner by staff.
(ii) The right to receive a response from the certified family home to any request of the resident within a reasonable time.
(4) Personal possessions. Each resident shall have the right to:
(a) Wear his own clothing.
(b) Determine his own dress or hair style.
(c) Retain and use his own personal property in his own living area so as to maintain individuality and personal dignity.
(d) Be provided a separate storage area in his own living area and at least one (1) lockable cabinet or drawer for keeping personal property if requested by the resident.
(5) Personal funds. Residents whose board and care is paid for by public assistance shall retain, for their personal use, the difference between their total income and the applicable board and care allowance established by department rules.
(a) A certified family home shall not require a resident to deposit his personal funds with the certified family home.
(b) Once the certified family home accepts the written authorization of the resident, the certified family home must hold, safeguard and account for such personal funds under a system established and maintained by the certified family home in accordance with this subparagraph.
(6) Management of personal funds. Upon a certified family home’s acceptance of written authorization of a resident, the certified family home must manage and account for the personal funds of the resident deposited with the certified family home. Upon the death of a resident with such an account, the certified family home must promptly convey the resident’s personal funds, and a final accounting of such funds, to the individual administering the resident’s estate. For clients of the department, the remaining balance of funds shall be refunded to the department.
(7) Access and visitation rights. Each certified family home must permit:
(a) Immediate access to any resident by any representative of the department, by the state ombudsman for the elderly or his designee, or by the resident’s individual physician.
(b) Immediate access to a resident, subject to the resident’s right to deny or withdraw consent at any time, by immediate family or other relatives.
(c) Immediate access to a resident, subject to reasonable restrictions and the resident’s right to deny or withdraw consent at any time, by others who are visiting with the consent of the resident.
(d) Reasonable access to a resident by any entity or individual that provides health, social, legal or other services to the resident, subject to the resident’s right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
(e) Access by protection and advocacy system. The certified family home shall permit advocates and representatives of the protection and advocacy system designated by the governor pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 15043 and 42 U.S.C. 10801 et seq. access to residents, certified family homes and records in accordance with applicable federal law and regulations.
(8) Employment. Each resident shall have the right to refuse to perform services for the certified family home except as contracted for by the resident and the care provider of the home. If the resident is hired by the certified family home to perform services as an employee of the home, the wage paid to the resident shall be consistent with state and federal law.
(9) Confidentiality. Each resident shall have the right to confidentiality of personal and clinical records.
(10) Freedom from abuse, neglect and restraints. Each resident shall have the right to be free from physical, mental or sexual abuse, neglect, corporal punishment, involuntary seclusion, and any physical or chemical restraints.
(11) Freedom of religion. Each resident shall have the right to practice the religion of his choice or to abstain from religious practice. Residents shall also be free from the imposition of the religious practices of others.
(12) Control and receipt of health-related services. Each resident shall have the right to control his receipt of health-related services, including:
(a) The right to retain the services of his own personal physician, dentist and other health care professionals.
(b) The right to select the pharmacy or pharmacist of his choice.
(c) The right to confidentiality and privacy concerning his medical or dental condition and treatment.
(13) Grievances. Each resident shall have the right to voice grievances with respect to treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished, without discrimination or reprisal for voicing the grievances and the right to prompt efforts by the certified family home to resolve grievances the resident may have, including those with respect to the behavior of other residents.
(14) Participation in other activities. Each resident shall have the right to participate in social, religious and community activities that do not interfere with the rights of other residents in the certified family home.
(15) Examination of home inspection reports. Each resident shall have the right to examine, upon reasonable request, the results of the most recent home inspection of the certified family home conducted by the department with respect to the certified family home and any plan of correction in effect with respect to the certified family home.