37-411. Standards for transportation tanks. The following standards are hereby adopted relating to transportation tanks:

A. The transportation tank and accessories in the milk handling operation shall comply with the requirements of the Sanitary Standards Symbol Administrative Council, 3A standards for transportation tanks existing at the time of the passage of this act.

B. Suitable facilities, including hot and cold running water, detergent, brushes, sanitizers, and sanitizing equipment, a concrete floor with proper drainage and waste disposal shall be provided for washing and sanitizing of transportation tanks. Unless the truck is to be used within a few hours of the washing operation the sanitizing of the tank shall be omitted until just before the tank truck is to be used. During the interim the tank truck shall be protected from contamination by closing port holes, etc. Since the tank truck may be sanitized on a different date and at a different time from cleaning and washing operation, a tag shall provide space for recording this information. The washing, sanitizing and maintenance of the transportation tank and accessories shall be the responsibility of the processor or milk hauler. The department of agriculture shall be informed in writing designating the person responsible for the cleaning, sanitizing and maintenance of the transportation tank.

C. The transportation tank and all accessories shall be thoroughly rinsed after each usage and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized daily and the tank tagged and sealed with a tag attached indicating that the tank has been washed and/or sanitized. This tag shall also contain the name of the person doing the work and the date on which the work was done. The tag shall be removed by the hauler at his first pickup and shall be retained at the receiving plant for a minimum of thirty (30) days.

D. Single length, durable, non-toxic, flexible milk conductor tubing shall be used for conveying milk from the farm tank to the transportation tank. The inside diameter of milk conductor tubing shall not be less than one and three-eighths (1 3/8) inches. If two (2) lengths of tubing are used, they shall be connected either by the use of sanitary couplings or a piece of 3A sanitary tubing with clamps which can be removed without tools. The connections between the pump and the vehicle tank, and between the pump and the milk conductor tubing shall remain assembled except when dismantled for cleaning. The open end of the milk tubing shall be capped with an approved protective cap at all times except when loading or unloading. The outlet valve, milk pump and the milk conductor tubing and samples shall be inclosed in a properly drained, insulated, dust tight cabinet.

E. The transportation tank and the accessories shall be used for no other purpose than the handling of milk unless such other use is approved by the department of agriculture.