36-2102. Definitions. (a) "Person" includes any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other organization or any combination thereof.
(b) "Outfitter" includes any person who, while engaging in any of the acts enumerated herein in any manner: (1) advertises or otherwise holds himself out to the public for hire; (2) provides facilities and services for consideration; and (3) maintains, leases, or otherwise uses equipment or accommodations for compensation for the conduct of outdoor recreational activities limited to the following: hunting animals or birds; float or power boating on Idaho rivers and streams; fishing on Idaho lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams; and hazardous desert or mountain excursions. Any firm, partnership, corporation or other organization or combination thereof operating as an outfitter shall designate one (1) or more individuals as agents who shall, together with the licensed outfitter, be held responsible for the conduct of the licensed outfitter’s operations and who shall meet all of the qualifications of a licensed outfitter.
(c) "Guide" is any natural person who is employed by a licensed outfitter to furnish personal services for the conduct of outdoor recreational activities directly related to the conduct of activities for which the employing outfitter is licensed. Any such person not employed by a licensed outfitter who offers or provides facilities or services as specified in subsection (b) of this section shall be deemed in violation of the provisions of this chapter, except: (1) any employee of the state of Idaho or the United States when acting in his official capacity, or (2) any natural person who is employed by a licensed outfitter solely for the following activities: caring for, grooming or saddling of livestock, cooking, woodcutting, and transporting people, equipment and personal property on public roads shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
(d) "Board" means the Idaho outfitters and guides licensing board.
(e) "Resident" means a person who has resided in the state of Idaho for a period of six (6) months next preceding the time of application for license.
(f) "Nonresident" means any person not included in subsection (e) of this section.
(g) "License year" means that period of time beginning on the date an outfitter’s or guide’s license is issued and ending on the anniversary of the date of issuance in the following year.
(h) "Individual" means any person other than a partnership, corporation or any other organization or combination thereof.