33-2110B. Residency -- Rules -- Appeal -- Standards for nonresidents. (1) For purposes of this chapter, a "resident student" is:
(a) Any student whose parents or court-appointed guardians are domiciled in the community college district and provide more than fifty percent (50%) of his support. Domicile means an individual’s true, fixed and permanent home and place of habitation. It is the place where he intends to remain, and to which he expects to return when he leaves without intending to establish a new domicile elsewhere. To qualify under this section the parents or guardian must have resided continuously in the community college district for twelve (12) months next preceding the opening day of the term for which the student matriculates.
(b) Any student who receives less than fifty percent (50%) of his support from parents or legal guardians who are not residents of the community college district for voting purposes and who has continuously resided in the community college district for twelve (12) months next preceding the opening day of the period of instruction during which he proposes to attend the community college.
(c) The spouse of a person who is classified, or is eligible for classification, as a resident of the community college district for the purposes of attending that community college.
(d) A member of the armed forces of the United States, stationed in the community college district on military orders.
(e) An officer or an enlisted member of the Idaho national guard.
(f) A student whose parents or guardians are members of the armed forces and stationed in the community college district on military orders and who receives fifty percent (50%) or more of support from parents or legal guardians. The student, while in continuous attendance, shall not lose his residence when his parents or guardians are transferred on military orders.
(g) A person separated, under honorable conditions, from the United States armed forces after at least two (2) years of active service, who at the time of separation designates the community college district as his intended domicile or who has the district as the home of record in service and enters the community college within one (1) year of the date of separation.
(h) Any individual who has been domiciled in the community college district, has qualified and would otherwise be qualified under the provisions of this statute, and who is away from the district for a period of less than one (1) calendar year and has not established legal residence elsewhere provided a twelve (12) month period of continuous residence has been established immediately prior to departure.
(2) A community college board of trustees shall adopt rules and regulations applicable to their college now or hereafter established to determine residence status of any student and to establish procedures for review of that status.
(3) Appeal from a final determination denying resident status may be initiated by the filing of an action in the district court of the county in which the affected community college is located. An appeal from the district court shall lie as in all civil actions.
(4) Nothing contained herein shall prevent a community college board of trustees from waiving tuition to be paid by nonresident students.
(5) Nothing contained herein shall prevent a community college board of trustees from establishing quotas, standards for admission, standards for readmission, or other terms and requirements governing persons who are not residents for purposes of the first two (2) years of postsecondary education.