33-1614. Reading assessment. The state department of education shall be responsible for administration of all assessment efforts, train assessment personnel and report results.
(1) In continuing recognition of the critical importance of reading skills, and after an appropriate phase-in time as determined by the state board of education, all public school students in kindergarten and grades one (1), two (2) and three (3) shall have their reading skills assessed. For purposes of this assessment, the state board approved and research-based "Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Plan" shall be the reference document. The kindergarten assessment shall include reading readiness and phonological awareness. Grades one (1), two (2) and three (3) shall test for fluency and accuracy of the student’s reading. The assessment shall be by a single statewide test specified by the state board of education, and the state department of education shall ensure that testing shall take place not less than two (2) times per year in the relevant grades. Additional assessments may be administered for students in the lowest twenty-five percent (25%) of reading progress. The state K-3 assessment test results shall be reviewed by school personnel for the purpose of providing necessary interventions to sustain or improve the students’ reading skills. Results shall be maintained and compiled by the state department of education and shall be reported annually to the state board, legislature and governor and made available to the public in a consistent manner, by school and by district.
(2) The scores of the tests and interventions recommended and implemented shall be maintained in the permanent record of each student.
(3) The administration of the state K-3 assessments is to be done in the local school districts by individuals chosen by the district other than the regular classroom teacher. All those who administer the assessments shall be trained by the state department of education.
(4) It is legislative intent that curricular materials utilized by school districts for kindergarten through grade three (3) shall align with the "Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Plan."