31-1407. Canvass by board of commissioners -- Validity of organization. Immediately after any election for voting upon the organization of a fire protection district, the judges of said election shall forward the official results of said election to the clerk of said board of commissioners. The said board of commissioners shall meet within ten (10) days after said returns are received and shall proceed to canvass the votes cast at such election, and if, upon canvass, it shall appear that one-half (1/2) or more of said votes are ".... fire protection district, no," then a record of that fact shall be duly entered upon the minutes of said board, and all proceedings in regard to the organization of said district shall be void. If, however, it shall appear upon such canvass, that more than one-half (1/2) of the votes cast are ".... fire protection district, yes," the said board shall, by order entered on its minutes, declare such territory duly organized as a fire protection district under the name designated in the petition. After the election, the validity of the proceedings hereunder shall not be affected by any defect in the petition or in the number of qualifications of the signers thereof, and in no event shall any action be commenced or maintained or defense made affecting the validity of such organization after six (6) months from and after the making and entering of the order provided for in this section. Such board shall cause one (1) copy of such order, duly certified, to be filed for record in the office of the county recorder of the county in which said district is situated and shall transmit to the governor one (1) certified copy thereof.
From and after the date of such filing of said order of the board of county commissioners declaring such territory duly organized as a fire protection district, the organization of such district shall be complete.
If the district is to be situated in two (2) or more counties, the boards of county commissioners shall coordinate the canvass of the votes cast and make one (1) joint announcement. If a majority of the votes cast in any county are against the formation of the district, such rejection shall void the organization of the district in all counties.