26-3602. Examinations -- Periodic reports -- Cooperative agreements -- Assessment of fees. (1) The director may make such examinations, with or without notice, of any office or branch established or maintained in this state pursuant to this act as the director may deem necessary to determine whether the office is being operated in compliance with the laws of this state and in accordance with safe and sound banking practices. The director may compel the attendance of any person or the production of any books, accounts and records for the purpose of such examination.
(2) The director may require periodic reports regarding any trust institution that has established or maintained an office in this state pursuant to this act. The required reports shall be provided by such trust institution or, if an out-of-state trust institution, may be provided by the home state regulator.
(3) The director may enter into cooperative, coordinating and information-sharing agreements with any other bank supervisory agencies or any organization affiliated with or representing one (1) or more bank supervisory agencies with respect to the periodic examination or other supervision of any office in this state of an out-of-state trust institution, or any office of a state trust institution in any host state, and the director may accept the agency’s or organization’s report of examination and report of investigation in lieu of conducting an examination or investigation.
(4) The director may enter into joint examinations or joint enforcement actions with other bank supervisory agencies having concurrent jurisdiction over any office established and maintained in this state by an out-of-state trust institution or any office established and maintained by a state trust institution in any host state; provided, that the director may at any time take such actions independently if the director deems such actions to be necessary or appropriate under this act or to ensure compliance with the laws of this state; but provided further that, in the case of an out-of-state trust institution, the director shall recognize the exclusive authority of the home state regulator over corporate governance matters and the primary responsibility of the home state regulator with respect to safety and soundness matters.
(5) Each trust institution that maintains one (1) or more offices in this state may be assessed and, if assessed, shall pay reasonable supervisory and examination fees as set by the director. Such fees may be shared with other bank supervisory agencies or any organization affiliated with or representing one (1) or more bank supervisory agencies in accordance with agreements between such parties and the director.