22-903. Idaho Standard. Idaho Standard potatoes shall consist of potatoes of one (1) variety or similar varietal characteristics, the minimum size of which shall be two (2) inches in diameter, or four (4) ounces in weight, except as hereinafter provided for, and not less than forty percent (40%) of the potatoes in the lot shall be six (6) ounces or larger, and which are free from freezing, injury, blackheart, soft rot or wet breakdown and from serious damage caused by dirt or other foreign matter, sunburn, second growth, growth cracks, air cracks, internal disorders, cuts (potatoes with clipped ends permissible only in tolerance hereinafter provided for), shriveling, scab, blight, dry rot, other disease, insects or mechanical or other means.
In order to allow for variations other than size, incident to proper grading and handling, not more than six percent (6%) of the potatoes in any container may be below the requirements of the grade, but not to exceed one sixth (1/6) of this amount or one percent (1%) shall be allowed for potatoes affected by soft rot or wet breakdown. In addition, not more than five percent (5%) may be seriously damaged by internal disorders, and not more than three percent (3%) may be below the prescribed size provided, however, that when potatoes of this grade are packed to meet a minimum size requirement of six (6) ounces or more by weight, the tolerance for undersize shall be five percent (5%), but not more than two percent (2%) may be smaller than two (2) inches in diameter, or four (4) ounces in weight.