1-2101. Judicial council -- Creation -- Membership -- Appointments -- Vacancies. (1) There is hereby created a judicial council which shall consist of seven (7) permanent members, and one (1) adjunct member. Three (3) permanent attorney members, one (1) of whom shall be a district judge, shall be appointed by the board of commissioners of the Idaho state bar with the consent of the senate. Three (3) permanent non-attorney members shall be appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate. If any of the above appointments be made during a recess of the senate, they shall be subject to consent of the senate at its next session. The term of office for a permanent appointed member of the judicial council shall be six (6) years. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in like manner. Appointments shall be made with due consideration for area representation and not more than three (3) of the permanent appointed members shall be from one (1) political party. The chief justice of the Supreme Court shall be the seventh member and chairman of the judicial council. No permanent member of the judicial council, except a judge or justice, may hold any other office or position of profit under the United States or the state. The judicial council shall act by concurrence of four (4) or more members and according to rules which it adopts.
(2) In addition to the permanent members of the judicial council, whenever there is an issue before the council which involves the removal, discipline or recommendation for retirement of a district court magistrate, the chief justice shall appoint an adjunct member of the judicial council, who shall be a district court magistrate. For all purposes for which the adjunct appointment is made, the adjunct member shall be a full voting member of the judicial council.