§521-72 - Landlord's remedies for improper use.

     §521-72  Landlord's remedies for improper use.  (a)  If the tenant breaches any rule authorized under section 521-52, the landlord may notify the tenant in writing of the tenant's breach.  The notice shall specify the time, not less than ten days, within which the tenant is required to remedy the breach and shall be in substantially the following form:


"(Name and address of tenant)                   (date)

You are hereby notified that you have failed to perform according to the following rule:


(specify rule allegedly breached)


     Be informed that if you (continue violating) (again violate) this rule after (a date not less than ten days after this notice), the landlord may terminate the rental agreement and sue for possession of your dwelling unit."


No allowance of time to remedy the breach of any rule authorized under section 521-52 shall be required when the breach by the tenant causes or threatens to cause damage to any person or constitutes a violation of section 521-51(1) or (6).

     (b)  If the breach complained of continues or recurs after the date specified in the notice, the landlord may bring a summary proceeding for possession within thirty days after such continued or recurring breach. [L 1972, c 132, pt of §1; am L 1976, c 90, §7; am L 1983, c 146, §2; gen ch 1985]