§514B-107 - Board; limitations.

     §514B-107  Board; limitations.  (a)  Members of the board shall be unit owners or co-owners, vendees under an agreement of sale, a trustee of a trust which owns a unit, or an officer, partner, member, or other person authorized to act on behalf of any other legal entity which owns a unit.  There shall not be more than one representative on the board from any one unit.

     (b)  No resident manager or employee of a condominium shall serve on its board.

     (c)  An owner shall not act as an officer of an association and an employee of the managing agent retained by the association.  Any owner who is a board member of an association and an employee of the managing agent retained by the association shall not participate in any discussion regarding a management contract at a board meeting and shall be excluded from any executive session of the board where the management contract or the property manager will be discussed.

     (d)  Directors shall not expend association funds for their travel, directors' fees, and per diem, unless owners are informed and a majority approve of these expenses; provided that, with the approval of the board, directors may be reimbursed for actual expenditures incurred on behalf of the association.  The minutes shall reflect in detail the items and amounts of the reimbursements.

     (e)  Associations at their own expense shall provide all board members with a current copy of the association's declaration, bylaws, house rules, and, annually, a copy of this chapter with amendments.

     (f)  The directors may expend association funds, which shall not be deemed to be compensation to the directors, to educate and train themselves in subject areas directly related to their duties and responsibilities as directors; provided that the approved annual operating budget shall include these expenses as separate line items.  These expenses may include registration fees, books, videos, tapes, other educational materials, and economy travel expenses.  Except for economy travel expenses within the State, all other travel expenses incurred under this subsection shall be subject to the requirements of subsection (d). [L 2004, c 164, pt of §2; am L 2006, c 273, §17]