§514A-62 - Copy of public report to be given to prospective purchaser.

     §514A-62  Copy of public report to be given to prospective purchaser.  (a)  The developer (or any other person offering any apartment in a condominium project prior to completion of its construction) shall not enter into a contract or agreement for the sale or resale of an apartment that is binding upon any prospective purchaser until:

     (1)  The commission has issued an effective date for either a contingent final public report or a final public report on the project, and the developer has delivered, or caused to be delivered, to the prospective purchaser, either personally or by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, a true copy of either the contingent final public report or the final public report together with a true copy of all prior public reports on the project, if any, that have not been previously delivered to such prospective purchaser; except that such prior public reports need not be delivered to the prospective purchaser if the contingent final public report or the final public report supersedes such prior public reports.  If, prior to the entering into of such contract or agreement for sale or resale, the commission, subsequent to its issuance of an effective date for the contingent final public report or the final public report, has issued an effective date for a supplementary public report on the project, then a true copy of such supplementary public report shall also be delivered to such prospective purchaser in the same manner as the contingent final public report or the final public report, except that if the supplementary public report supersedes all prior public reports on the project, then only the supplementary public report need be delivered to the prospective purchaser;

     (2)  The prospective purchaser has been given an opportunity to read the report or reports; and

     (3)  The prospective purchaser (A) executes the form of the receipt and notice set forth in subsection (d); and (B) waives the prospective purchaser's right to cancel; provided that if the prospective purchaser does not execute and return the receipt and notice within thirty days from the date of delivery of such reports, or if the apartment is conveyed to the prospective purchaser prior to the expiration of such thirty-day period, the prospective purchaser shall be deemed to have receipted for the reports and to have waived the prospective purchaser's right to cancel.

     (b)  The receipts and notices taken hereunder shall be kept on file in possession of the developer (or such other person as may offer any apartment in a condominium project prior to completion of its construction), and shall be subject to inspection at a reasonable time by the commission or its deputies, for a period of three years from the date the receipt and notice was taken.

     (c)  Unless such right has previously been waived pursuant to subsection (a), a prospective purchaser shall have the right to cancel any agreement for the purchase or reservation of an apartment at any time prior to the earlier of:

     (1)  The conveyance of the apartment to the prospective purchaser; or

     (2)  Midnight of the thirtieth day following the date of delivery of the first of either the contingent final public report or the final public report to such purchaser,

and, upon any such cancellation, shall be entitled to a prompt and full refund of all moneys paid, less any escrow cancellation fee and other costs associated with the purchase, up to a maximum of $250.

     (d)  Whenever a contingent final public report, final public report, or supplementary public report is delivered to a prospective purchaser pursuant to subsection (a), two copies of the receipt and notice set out below shall also be delivered to such purchaser, one of which may be used by the purchaser to cancel the transaction.  Such receipt and notice shall be printed in capital and lower case letters of not less than twelve-point type on one side of a separate statement.  The receipt and notice shall be in the following form:



     I acknowledge receipt of the Developer's (Preliminary, Contingent Final, Final, and Supplementary) Public Report(s) and Disclosure Abstract, contained in the public report, in connection with my purchase of apartment(s) (insert apartment numbers) in the (insert name of condominium project) condominium project.

     I understand that I have a legal right under Hawaii law to cancel my purchase, if I desire to do so, without any penalty or obligation within thirty days from the date the above Public Report or Reports were delivered to me.  If I cancel, I understand that I will be entitled to receive the refund of any downpayment or deposit, less any escrow cancellation fees and other costs, up to $250.

     If I decide to cancel, I understand that I can do so by notifying (insert name of seller) at (insert address of seller) by mail or telegram sent before:  (1) the conveyance of my apartment(s) to me; or (2) midnight of the thirtieth day after delivery of the Public Report(s) to me, whichever is earlier.  If I send or deliver my written notice some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time.  I understand that I can use any written statement that is signed and dated by me and states my intention to cancel, or I may use this notice by checking the appropriate box and by signing and dating below.

     I understand that if I do not act within the above thirty-day period or if the apartment is conveyed to me within the above thirty-day period, I will be considered to have executed this receipt and to have waived my right to cancel my purchase.  I also understand that I can waive my right to cancel by checking the appropriate box, by signing and dating below, and by returning this notice to (insert name of seller).  I HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF:



          _______________________      ______________________

          Purchaser's signature       Date






          [  ] I WAIVE MY RIGHT TO CANCEL.


          _______________________   _____________________

          Purchaser's signature     Date"


     (e)  No obligation to purchase an apartment under any agreement for the purchase or reservation of an apartment entered into prior to the purchaser's receipt of either a contingent final public report or a final public report is enforceable against the purchaser under such agreement.

     (f)  Where a developer has delivered to a purchaser a contingent final public report and the purchaser has previously waived the purchaser's right to cancel the purchaser's agreement for the purchase or reservation of an apartment pursuant to this section:

     (1)  The issuance of an effective date for a final public report prior to the expiration of the contingent final public report shall not affect the enforceability of the purchaser's obligations under the purchaser's agreement for the purchase of an apartment;

     (2)  The developer shall not be required to deliver to the purchaser the final public report for the project and receipt and notice set forth in subsection (d); and

     (3)  The developer shall promptly deliver to the purchaser a disclosure statement informing them that the commission has issued an effective date for the final public report and containing all information contained in the final public report that is not contained in the contingent final public report.

     (g)  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, this section shall not apply to a time share project duly registered under chapter 514E if, with regard to that time share project:

     (1)  A copy of the disclosure statement required by chapter 514E is required to be delivered to the purchaser or prospective purchaser; or

     (2)  Pursuant to section 514E-30, a copy of the disclosure statement required by chapter 514E is not required to be delivered to the purchaser or prospective purchaser because the offer and sale of the time share interest is made outside of Hawaii. [L 1977, c 98, pt of §2; am L 1977, c 193, §7; am L 1984, c 58, §5; gen ch 1985; am L 1986, c 295, §§6, 7; am L 1991, c 44, §§22, 23; am L 1997, c 135, §10; am L 1998, c 11, §25; am L 2001, c 237, pt of §3; am L 2002, c 204, §5]


Case Notes


  Binding contracts; effect of supplementary reports.  50 H. 540, 445 P.2d 109.

  Buying option rights to purchase apartments at discounted price, through separate letter agreement, and not the rights to purchase apartments themselves, placed buyers outside the class of buyers protected by this section.  80 H. 159, 907 P.2d 745.