§386-42 - Dependents.

     §386-42  Dependents.  (a)  The following persons, and no others, shall be deemed dependents and entitled to income, and indemnity benefits under this chapter:

     A child who is (1) unmarried and under eighteen years, or (2) unmarried and under twenty years if the child is a full-time student at a high school, business school, or technical school, or unmarried and under twenty-two years if the child is a full-time undergraduate student at a college, or (3) unmarried and incapable of self-support, or (4) married and under eighteen years, if actually dependent upon the deceased;

     The surviving spouse or reciprocal beneficiary, if either living with the deceased at the time of the injury or actually dependent upon the deceased;

     A parent or grandparent, if actually dependent upon the deceased;

     A grandchild, brother, or sister, if (1) under eighteen years or incapable of self-support, and (2) actually and wholly dependent upon the deceased.

     (b)  A person shall be deemed to be actually dependent upon the deceased, if he or she contributed all or a substantial portion of the living expenses of such person at the time of the injury.

     (c)  Alien dependents not residing in the United States at the time of the injury or leaving the United States subsequently shall maintain annual proof of such dependency as required by the director of labor and industrial relations. [L 1963, c 116, pt of §1; Supp, §97-41; am L 1967, c 213, §1 and c 257, §1; HRS §386-42; am L 1971, c 87, §1; am L 1974, c 151, §1; gen ch 1985; am L 1997, c 383, §54]


Case Notes


  Alien Japanese dependent upon leaving the United States loses all rights to benefits; "leaving the U. S." construed; an alien widow leaving the U.S. ceases to be a "dependent".  27 H. 431.

  Nonresident alien.  32 H. 118.  Alien "actually residing".  32 H. 699.

  Illegitimate children.  31 H. 814.

  Citizen of Philippine Republic.  39 H. 258.

  Actual dependency of parents on child.  43 H. 173.

  Part-time students, as defined by each individual educational institution, are not entitled to compensation under subsection (a) and §386-43(a).  84 H. 390 (App.), 935 P.2d 105.

  Cited:  41 H. 442, 447.