§291D-9 - Monetary assessments.

     [§291D-9]  Monetary assessments.  (a)  A person found to have committed a traffic infraction shall be assessed a monetary assessment not to exceed the maximum fine specified in the statute defining the traffic infraction.

     (b)  Notwithstanding section 291C-161 or any other law to the contrary, the district court of each circuit shall prescribe a schedule of monetary assessments for all traffic infractions, and any additional assessments to be imposed pursuant to subsection (c).  The particular assessment to be entered on the notice of traffic infraction pursuant to section 291D-5 shall correspond to the schedule prescribed by the district court.  Except after proceedings conducted pursuant to section 291D-8 or a trial conducted pursuant to section 291D-13, monetary assessments assessed pursuant to this chapter shall not vary from the schedule prescribed by the district court having jurisdiction over the traffic infraction.

     (c)  In addition to any monetary assessment imposed for a traffic infraction, the court may impose additional assessments for:

     (1)  Failure to pay a monetary assessment by the scheduled date of payment; or

     (2)  The cost of service of a penal summons issued pursuant to this chapter.

     (d)  The court may grant to a person claiming inability to pay, an extension of the period in which the monetary assessment shall be paid or may impose community service in lieu thereof.  If the assessment is not paid or the community service is not performed on or before the date established and the court has not extended the time, the court shall take action as provided in section 291D-10. [L 1993, c 214, pt of §2]


Rules of Court


  Delinquency penalty, see HCTR rule 20(b).

  Judgments, see HCTR rule 16.