§291C-134 - Neighborhood electric vehicles; speed; restrictions.

     [§291C-134]  Neighborhood electric vehicles; speed; restrictions.  (a)  A neighborhood electric vehicle shall not be operated at a speed of more than twenty-five miles per hour.

     (b)  A neighborhood electric vehicle shall not be driven on a highway that has a posted speed limit of more than thirty-five miles per hour.  This subsection does not prohibit a neighborhood electric vehicle from crossing a highway that has a posted speed limit of more than thirty-five miles per hour at an intersection.

     (c)  A neighborhood electric vehicle shall have a notice of the operational restrictions applying to the vehicle permanently attached to or painted on the vehicle in a location that is in clear view of the driver.

     [(d)]  The director of transportation shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 as may be necessary to regulate the use of neighborhood electric vehicles. [L 1999, c 262, §§3(1), 4]


Revision Note


  Subsection (d) codified to this section pursuant to §23G-15.