§290-7 - Disposition of proceeds.

     §290-7  Disposition of proceeds.  All proceeds from the sale of vehicles shall be deposited into the general fund of the county.  The legal or registered owner is entitled to recover the excess of the proceeds from the sale over expenses, if the claim is filed with the county within one year from the execution of the sales agreement.  The registered owner shall receive priority of payment to the extent of the registered owner's lien on the vehicle.  The county may file a claim within the same period against the legal or registered owner or person with an unrecorded interest for the deficiencies between the sale proceeds and expenses. [L 1949, c 194, pt of §1; RL 1955, pt of §138-32; am L 1967, c 267, pt of §1; HRS §290-7; gen ch 1985]


Cross References


  Highway beautification and disposal of abandoned or derelict vehicles revolving fund, see §286-51(b).