§288-2 - Definitions.

     §288-2  Definitions.  As used herein:

     "Motor vehicle common carrier of passengers" means and includes every corporation, joint stock association, person, individual, firm, association of persons, lessee, trustee, receiver, or personal representative appointed by any court, owning, controlling, operating, or managing any motor vehicle, directly or indirectly, for public use in the transportation of passengers for compensation over any public street or highway within any of the several counties of the State;

     "Policy of insurance" or "insurance" includes the certificate referred to in sections 288-3 and 288-4. [L 1941, c 186, §5; am L 1943, c 171, pt of §1; RL 1945, §7429; am L 1953, c 268, pt of §1; RL 1955, §160-141; HRS §288-2; am L 1976, c 200, pt of §1]