§286-66 - Director in charge.

     §286-66  Director in charge.  The director of civil defense shall be responsible for processing all applications for the special license plates and shall make all necessary arrangements for the purchase and issuance thereof.

     The administrator of the county civil defense agency shall assist the director of civil defense in the administration of this part, which includes but is not limited to, the receipt of applications, the collection and payment of fees, the issuance of special license plates, the transmittal of the list of special license plates issued together with the names and addresses to whom issued to the director of civil defense and the respective chief of police and the respective licensing officer of each county, and any other duties as may be prescribed by the director of civil defense.  The chief of police and licensing officer of each county shall keep a record of the list of special license plates issued together with the names and addresses to whom issued in their respective office and may discard the list when it is more than six years old. [L 1955, c 67, §5; RL 1955, §160-224; HRS §286-66; am L 1969, c 189, §5]