§286-65 - Surrender, transfer, and disposal of special plates.

     §286-65  Surrender, transfer, and disposal of special plates.  Upon the transfer of ownership of the passenger motor vehicle, or upon the expiration or revocation of the amateur radio station license, the holder of the special license plates shall surrender them to the administrator of the county civil defense agency who shall retain the plates as long as they are valid.  The regulation number plates shall be securely fastened to the passenger motor vehicle as provided in section 249-7. Upon reapplication, an amateur radio station licensee may be reissued the licensee's special license plates as provided in this part at no additional cost. [L 1955, c 67, §4; RL 1955, §160-223; HRS §286-65; am L 1969, c 189, §4; gen ch 1985; am L 1986, c 339, §31]